Wedding Etiquette Forum


CLUELESS, please give me some ideas of non-typical gifts OTHER THAN YOUR TYPICAL monogramed tote bags, sandals, cigar holder or beer mugs.....

What are you giving and how much are you spending per gal/guy. I appreciate all your help I am looking for something affordable for 6 ladies and 6 men. thanks!
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  • A paid vacation to tahiti? That would be pretty atypical.


    Shop for them like you would for their birthdays or Christmas. If one person loves running, get them a years subsrcitption to a running magazine and a GC for The Running Room or something like that. We plan to shop based on their individual interests.

  • Hey, maybe this is NON TYPICAL. You know your friends, buy them gifts you think they would like. YOU'RE WELCOME.

  • Like achiduck suggested shop like it's their birthday. I'm not sure what I'm going to spend on each person just spend what you're comfortable with. Set a budget if money is tight and divide it between them and pick something within that price range.
  • I gave each girl something different.  I tried to shop for them like it was their birthday.  One girl loves this lotion that's only available at Christmas, so I got her a jar of that.  Another girl has a bracelet from Brighton, so I got her some charms for it.  

    I let my H pick out the guys gifts.  He got them all a cigar and a nice pocket knife.

    As for budget, spend what you can afford.  We spent about $35-40 on each person.
  • Shop like it's their birthday.  Meaning, buy them each something personal that they would like.  They do not have to be matching gifts!  For instance, when h and i did our BP gifts, it went like this...

    MOH - Satin jammies and Victoria's Secret gift card
    BM1 - College alma mater stuff, starbucks gift card
    BM2 - sheet music, a couple of cds I knew she'd like, gift card for more sheet music
    BM3 - a cow statue I knew she'd love (she was obsessed with cows), a McDonald's gc (obsessed with their fries)

    BM - New catcher's glove
    GM1 - ???  I honestly can't remember what h bought him!  That's going to bug me.  It might have been motorcycle gear
    GM2 - gold chain
    GM3 - things for golfing
  • This is what I'm thinking of getting my girls. They are personalized lowercase silver rings, handmade. They also have rings with a little heart and their initials. Look around on etsy, there are toooonnnnnssss of different homemade ideas that you can give as gifts. Good luck! 
  • An Oriental.  People love getting Orientals for presents.  Especially if they can cook General Tsao's Chicken.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.</a>:
    [QUOTE]An Oriental.  People love getting Orientals for presents.  Especially if they can cook General Tsao's Chicken.
    Posted by NuggetBrain[/QUOTE]

    Man, I have NEVER gotten a BP gift that good. I've been in the wrong weddings.
  • I'm having a "beach type" wedding -- so I got all of my bm's wooden wind charms I found when I went to hawaii a few months ago -- and from there I'm shopping (like stated above) like it's their birthday's...however since they all have to travel, a lot will be gift girls and I use to go to starbucks all the time, so I'm going to get her a cute travel coffee mug with a gc to Starbucks
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • In addition to some other things, I gave each of my BMs a bottle of their favorite wine and a gift card to their favorite restaurant. I really wanted each gift to be unique to them and something they would definitely use.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.</a>:
    [QUOTE]An Oriental.  People love getting Orientals for presents.  Especially if they can cook General Tsao's Chicken.
    Posted by NuggetBrain[/QUOTE]
    Wow, I really hope you aren't being serious with that derogatory word.
  • I only have a MOH and I got her this jewelry box from Pottery Barn:

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is what I'm thinking of getting my girls. They are personalized lowercase silver rings, handmade. They also have rings with a little heart and their initials. Look around on etsy, there are toooonnnnnssss of different homemade ideas that you can give as gifts. Good luck!   <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by gigemily[/QUOTE]
    Does every one of your girls like and wear rings?  Does every one like to wear their initials? 

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:5e2e4362-6a85-4a3d-87d5-fb5237ceb2c3Post:ce0430d8-1b2e-454c-b27e-8ce35ab13f8e">Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE. : Wow, I really hope you aren't being serious with that derogatory word.
    Posted by cindyn9178[/QUOTE]

    What, you <em>don't</em> want an Oriental for a present?  WTF, you probably want a black person don't you.  Ugh, that's so passe.  Orientals are ALL the rage right now.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:5e2e4362-6a85-4a3d-87d5-fb5237ceb2c3Post:2fb5beba-4cfa-4704-a27d-77978fa1b3d4">Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE. : Does every one of your girls like and wear rings?  Does every one like to wear their initials? 
    Posted by Viczaesar[/QUOTE]

    The f*ck do you care?  If someone gives me a gift I'm not going to be all "Ummm, thanks but, you know.  It's against my religion to wear two letters on my fingers."  It's a bridesmaid gift, not a push present FFS.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Bridal party gifts- NON TYPICAL SUGGESTIONS PLEASE. : Wow, I really hope you aren't being serious with that derogatory word.
    Posted by cindyn9178[/QUOTE]

    <div>As an Oriental I take no offense to the word plus people try to give me away all the time. I am also a fantastic cook Nuggs. I would make a good BM present. </div>
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  • In all seriousness you can always check out Etsy OP
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  • You have to register for her, Rach.
  • I got my BMs tervis tumblers and  beach towels (we have a beach wedding). I was going to monogram then, but some of my BMs aren't the monogramming type and it was kind of pricey. The tervis tumblers are nice bcause they have so many different options.

    On another not, I would liked to have given out orientals, but that was kind of pricey too
  • Yea or I think you can add me to your amazon wishlist :D
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