Wedding Etiquette Forum

Invitation wording?!

Please help! We are confused on how to write our invitations out. My mother is paying for the actual reception (which is the biggest amount of money). My fiance and I are paying for the photographer, DJ etc. My fiances parents are also giving us a couple thousand dollars which will go towards the rehearsal dinner and most likely our honeymoon. Since my Mother is "hosting" the actual reception do we say that she requests the honor of your presence at the wedding, or do we say "together with our parents". I'm not sure how that works?!
Any feedback will be so helpful! Thanks =)

Re: Invitation wording?!

  • In that situation, I'd do "together with their parents" - just run it by all the parents first to make sure everyone's ok with it before you send the invites off to be printed.
  • I would ask your mother as to what her preference would be as she is hosting
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Invitation wording?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Better ask Mom if  "Ms". is OK before you use that one.  Many older ladies (myself included) don't like it.  Is Mom widowed or divorced? Mrs. John Bridesparent requests the pleasure of your company (unless it is a church wedding) at the marriage of her daughter Bride's First and Middle Name to Mr.  Grooms Full Name (optional) son of Mr. and Mrs. Groomsparents<strong> If Mom is divorced, she would be "Mrs. Maidenname Lastname"</strong> Everything else stayd the same.  I would ask Mom what she prefers.
    Posted by CMGr[/QUOTE]

    Nope, if mom is divorced, she'd be whatever name and title she prefers.  Not the one you assigned her. 
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • ditto squirrly

    I am divorced and never changed my name so the invitations were:

    Ms. Susan A. Jones

    Mr. John P. Smith

    request the honour of your presence


    Woman haven't been "required" to be called Mrs. in years.  Thank God!

  • Thank you for all your help. To answer some questions my parents divorced but my Dad passed away. I think having her name first requesting the honor of your presense then putting Groom, son of Mr. & Mrs. is perfect. That way my Mom is shown as technically hosting the reception but the grooms parents are captured as well.
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