Our response cards are postcards, and on the back, there is the M___________ and then the number of accepts/declines, then a space to list each guest individually, so I can make a place card for each guest. The issue is that my FMiL's friend apparently took this to be a free-for-all, and is bringing 4 of her children, whom I have never met, and my FI has only met a few times, years ago. The envelope CLEARLY stated. Mr. & Mrs. __________ . We are in a tight spot financially, we don't know these people well, and I'm not sure what the proper thing to do here would be. We originally only wanted an adult only reception - but with a few kids in our wedding party, we decided that it wouldn't be terrible to invite the kids from our immediate family, it's only about 10-15 kids (and most of our families want a night out without the kids anyway). Do we suck it up and pay for these stranger children to eat? Or should someone mention this to her? I don't want to be rude, but we have a B list of people we'd really like to invite, rather than her adding 4 (of her 5) children without asking or anything.. thanks in advance