Wedding Etiquette Forum

Bridal shower guest list

I am inviting my bridal party and a few other girl friends, plus mothers and grandmothers. I assume that I should invite all aunts, since they are 1) my family and 2) daughters of the grandmas that will be there too. Plus, I definitely want to invite most of my aunts because I love them.

Must I invite all of FI's aunts? His mom and grandma's will be invited (don't know if grandmas will come.) I like his aunts a lot, but we can't have that many people and I wish I could invite more girl friends. Like with the wedding guest list, is it a category thing? Invite one aunt, invite them all?

* and by I, I mean MOH. I am not throwing my own shower! :)

Re: Bridal shower guest list

  • That depends. Has anyone in his family offered to have a shower for you or this supposed to be an all-encompassing shower for both sides?

    I'm having two showers, but only one is family/friends. The other is a couple's shower for a specific group of people. Anyway, FI's family is so small, they decided to do a joint shower for both families instead of one where only 5 people (tops) would be there. There are 95 people invited to that shower, which I know is extremely large.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:63957ba1-6f0b-4d80-84c9-e8a01ffe37e3Post:48e343ee-1a37-4aab-afd4-93160e448187">Re: Bridal shower guest list</a>:
    [QUOTE]That depends. Has anyone in his family offered to have a shower for you or this supposed to be an all-encompassing shower for both sides? I'm having two showers, but only one is family/friends. The other is a couple's shower for a specific group of people. Anyway, FI's family is so small, they decided to do a joint shower for both families instead of one where only 5 people (tops) would be there.<strong> There are 95 people invited to that shower, which I know is extremely large.
    </strong>Posted by midgetthemighty[/QUOTE]

    Holy crap!  That's huge! 

    OP,  I would say that you should probably invite all of them if you're inviting some, so there are no hurt feelings/drama.  If you're not especially close to some of them, then maybe they won't feel the need to come.  Or maybe they will (I have an aunt from my family that I don't really like, but not inviting would have caused WW3 to start, so she's invited.  And coming. ).
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:63957ba1-6f0b-4d80-84c9-e8a01ffe37e3Post:4577ae4c-4911-48e3-9cae-fdf06833a0ff">Re: Bridal shower guest list</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Bridal shower guest list : Holy crap!  That's huge!  Posted by blgrout[/QUOTE]

    I know, my family is gigantic. :)
  • It might cause some hurt feelings if you don't invite all of them.  My fiance has a big family as well, and I am inviting all of his aunts and cousins to my shower because I know they would be upset if I didn't.  Plus, I really like them all, and I want them to come.

  • I am kinda in the same boat, but with my FI older cousins. I have met them all many times. His family is very close so I decided to invite them. At  least if they choose not to come I didnt hurt anyone's feelings. I think inviting them is a very nice jesture and would make them feel you were thinking of them. If they come then its only 2-3 more people if not then you won't feel bad in the end. I know your MOH is throwing the shower and cost is always an issue but this is your shower invite the people that mean the most and who are invitied to the wedding of course. Most likly not everyone will come.
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