Wedding Etiquette Forum

Reception card for onsite reception?

If were having our ceremony and reception at the same venue can we note something on the invitation itself and do away with the reception card all together? Obviously we'll still be sending reply cards

Re: Reception card for onsite reception?

  • Yup.  If it's immediately after, you can just put "Reception to follow." on the bottom.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Well, heres the thing... the only spot at their chapel is 2pm, unless we want our reception to be over at 9pm were going to have to do some kind of extended app/cocktail hour from 3-5. So its not immediatly following, I was thinking something like "onsite reception to follow"
  • Well...if people will be able to get in and get food and beverages, then yeah, your reception is starting immediately after.

    But if people will have to wait, then you need to do a separate card with times. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • As long as your guests are able to stay onsite during the time between the ceremony and the cocktail hour, you can say "reception immediately following in the such and such room" or whatever the area is called. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Reception card for onsite reception?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well, heres the thing... the only spot at their chapel is 2pm, unless we want our reception to be over at 9pm were going to have to do some kind of extended app/cocktail hour from 3-5. So its not immediatly following, I was thinking something like "onsite reception to follow"
    Posted by katiebo1013[/QUOTE]

    <div>How long will your ceremony be?  If the ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception are all at the same venue, I do not think you should have any gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour.  </div><div>
    </div><div>We had our ceremony and reception at the same venue, and we put "celebration to follow" at the bottom of our invite (it wasn't terribly formal).  At our venue, we didn't really have to worry about the specific times.  Our wedding coordinator knew when our ceremony ended that they should have cocktail hour ready, and then our 5-hours of reception started whenever cocktail hour started.  </div>
  • Reception cards were invented for the old-fashioned custom of having a smaller "wedding breakfast" following the ceremony, to which only some of the wedding guests were invited. You slipped the reception card in with those invitations, and not with the others.

    When everyone is invited to everything, there is no reason not to put all the information on the same card, even if the reception isn't at the same place. Like this:

    Mr and Mrs John Host
    request the honour of the presence of
    Mr and Mrs James Guest
    at the wedding of their daughter
    Jane Elizabeth
    Mr Richard Groom
    at one o'clock on Saturday the fourteenth of June
    Saint Mary's Church

    Reception at six o'clock
    at the Fairmont Hotel
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