Wedding Etiquette Forum

You know what really grinds my gears?

Being invited to an engagement party that is OOT, attending, and then not being invited to the wedding. We spent over $200 just going to the e-party!!


So, what really grinds your gears?

Re: You know what really grinds my gears?

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    seriously??  I would be pissed.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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    Does etiquette say that engagement party invites requre a wedding invite, similar to showers?  In this instance I could see where, since an e-party may take place quite a bit of time before the wedding, it may be possible that you would not want to invite people a year (or more) later to the wedding.

    With the expense involved, I'd be mad though, too!  Are you close to the couple?

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    Dude, that's not ok...
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    I THOUGHT I was close to the couple...

    They live in MA now, but whenever they're in FL, we get together for dinner.  It's just so strange.  The only reason I know invited went out is because I keep seeing "Your invites are so cute, can't wait!" comments on her fb.

    Notgonnalie, it kinda hurts my feelings :(

    I just don't understand why...

    And they were invited to ours, but didn't come because of $ and timing with their other trips to FL, and didn't send a gift (which truthfully doesn't bother me).
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    Dude, this is not cool.

    What grinds my gears? Not pushing in the clutch all the way.
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    hm that stinks.  Maybe they thought that because of the distance, you wouldn't come anyway?  Seems like she would have preliminarily asked you about it, though.  :\
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:6d4afd48-aaef-4e56-8400-ec0fae03e363Post:68a30257-00a7-425d-a6ca-6134bb2e1af7">Re: You know what really grinds my gears?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dude, this is not cool. What grinds my gears? Not pushing in the clutch all the way.
    Posted by sarabellam[/QUOTE]

    Hahaha.  Touche! :)
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    That is not cool.
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    FWIW, the wedding is in FL.

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:6d4afd48-aaef-4e56-8400-ec0fae03e363Post:b6e48b77-f1f3-4232-aa89-55e71f0956b3">Re: You know what really grinds my gears?</a>:
    [QUOTE]FWIW, the wedding is in FL.
    Posted by AlexiaANDRobert[/QUOTE]

    Oh, then that's really lame. :(
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     I'd be really hurt by that, and it's not like you can even say anything to them about it because then you'll look like the mean friend.  :( 

    What really sucks is if they had you on some sort of "b" list and you get your invite in a few weeks, enough time where it is painfully obvious what happened. 
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:6d4afd48-aaef-4e56-8400-ec0fae03e363Post:ca62aebc-6861-4d1b-95df-67684ff785ab">Re: You know what really grinds my gears?</a>:
    [QUOTE] I'd be really hurt by that, and it's not like you can even say anything to them about it because then you'll look like the mean friend.  :(  What really sucks is if they had you on some sort of "b" list and you get your invite in a few weeks, enough time where it is painfully obvious what happened. 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Another reason why we didn't do a B list and I've never been a fan of it.

    There are waaaay too many ways for people to find out about things.
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    Is it possible your invite got lost?  That happened to a few of mine including a close friend who also thought they weren't invited.  We had no clue until I called to find out where the RSVP was.  I felt horrible they thought they were not invited when it was all because the post office messed up.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:6d4afd48-aaef-4e56-8400-ec0fae03e363Post:caf5d0ac-ed99-414d-bd39-5cbebf7c9c30">Re: You know what really grinds my gears?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is it possible your invite got lost?  That happened to a few of mine including a close friend who also thought they weren't invited.  We had no clue until I called to find out where the RSVP was.  I felt horrible they thought they were not invited when it was all because the post office messed up.
    Posted by caketime[/QUOTE]

    I guess anything is possible.
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    Meant to add - now if it really isn't lost in the mail and you were not invited then what a bunch of *(#&*%$
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    That sucks and is definitely NOT ok :(
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    I had 2 invites lost in the mail.  I did not know until I tracked down the RSVP

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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    MattsPenguinMattsPenguin member
    First Anniversary First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited February 2010
    I agree with the "it got lost" perhaps thought.  For one of my best friends' weddings (I KNEW THAT I WAS GETTING AN INVITE), the invitation got stuck in the mail machines, and torn in half.  I didn't get it until almost two weeks after everyone else.  She'd already received RSVP's from people in far away places. 
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    Give it a couple more days before you feel really upset/hurt. When I sent out my invites (all the same day) some people got theirs as much as four days earlier than other people. The post office can be insanely slow sometimes.

    But if you don't get one, then yeah, it's totally okay to be irritated.
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    Yuo said they live in Massachusetts?  As a resident myself, I'll tell you that the postal system kind of sucks up here.  An invitation to a friend's wedding in December didn't reach me until two weeks after the RSVP date!  Luckily, she called to find out if we were coming way before we even got the invite, or I would have been really upset, considering I had already bought a present and made travel arrangements!  (We had recieved a Save the Date Card, so I assumed we'd be going...)

    But if it's not just a mix up with the post office, it's incredibly rude!  I don't blame you for feeling hurt
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    Alexia that is so not cool. My feelings would be hurt too.

    Here's mine: I get really annoyed with people when they hover over my desk and show me how to do things in Maya that I already know how to do. (Like, a different way to create an object than the way I chose. There are 57 different ways and all of them are just as valid as the last. Fuuck off.) Now you've just wasted 1/2 hour of my time, fuucked up my mesh and annoyed me. No matter how much I like you, personally, you need to get the fuuck away from my computer now.

    Did I swear enough? Sheesh, I think I'm having a day. :(
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