The day we got engaged, my fiance was talking with his mom on the phone, and told her about how my dad wanted to take us and our parents out to a nice dinner to celebrate. He told me about the conversation after and mentioned that she jokingly said it would give her a chance to ask how many goats, chickens, cows, etc. she would be getting from my dad to accept me into the family (just fyi neither of us are of a culture or religion that has practiced dowries in anything resembling recent history).
I mentioned I was unimpressed she would joke that way given he's offered to take her to a nice dinner, as well completely shocked us by saying he would be paying for most of the wedding. My fiance pointed out she didn't know he'd offered to pay for the wedding, and she was just excited and joking around.
The next day we went to dinner at her house, and she repeated the joke several times, including after we told her he offered to pay for such a large part of the wedding.
I'm mildly annoyed that she's implying it's such a burden to her to accept me into the family, but given that her behaviour has always been very welcoming, I'm not too bothered by that. I'm mostly offended because I feel it's disrespectful to my parents. I also wonder whether or not she does think she's being very clever and plans to say something along these lines at dinner. My parents are pretty easy going, but i still don't think it's appropriate, and I don't want them to be offended or her to embarass herself, especially since they've only met once before.
Am I overreacting? Should I say something, ask my fiance to talk to her, or just ignore it, no matter how many times she repeats it? (knowing her, she will)
"People tell me the engagement will fly by and we'll be married before I know it, but it hasn't felt like that so far"