Wedding Etiquette Forum

2012 Resolutions

So...I saw Nebb post it on SB so if you haven't put yours over there - or if you have, what are your resolutions? Do you even do them? Why not, if you don't? Why if you do?

I normally do them and don't stick to them, but I actually did okay in 2011, so I'm going to do it again this year.

-Get down to 175 (healthy 175, not flabby 175)
-Do one race a month (5K, 10K, whatever)
-Give more of my time to doing something good for the world
-Save more money
-Go to a state I've never been to

Re: 2012 Resolutions

  • -Save more
    -Eat out less
    -Stress less
    -Keep the house spotless
  • Go to hogwarts
    Save more money
    Get fit

    That is a really good goal LDY- a race a month! That would get expensive but that is a good goal, I might steal it :)
  • I was just thinking about making a thread for this (:

    *Drink more water
    *moisturize my face every single night.  Even when I don't want to
    *hang up my clean clothes every night instead of piling them on the dresser
    *clean something every day
    *be generally neater for Darth FI's sake
  • I don't really do resolutions. If I have things I want to change, I don't wait for 1/1 to do them. I definitely have some goals for the coming year, but I've been working on them for some time.
  • - Get to my goal weight in a healthy way and stay there
    - Get better about talking to family, no matter what way of communication
    - Save more and pay down/off debt
    - Not stress the little things so much

    LDY that race goal is awesome!
  • LDY... you could go to ND and do a race here in May.  TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE, bam.
  • I want to grow as much of my own food as possible and generally try to lead a more sustainable and self sufficient lifestyle. 
  • My resolutions are to chillax and enjoy the process of marrying my soon to be H. I will not let wedding planning stress me out like it did this past summer. To get back down to 115, the weight where I feel healthiest and happiest. 115 and fit, not just slender and out of shape. I plan to eat healthy and exercise consistently to make that happen. To devote more serious time to creative writing. To become better at cleaning. To cook more. I make them bc some have worked out really well for me and gotten me moving in the right direction.
  • I need to continue to stick with my WW diet and then maintain when i've reached my goal weight.

    Also I want to save more, I used to be great at savings, need to get back into that.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 Resolutions</a>:
    [QUOTE]My resolutions are to chillax and enjoy the process of marrying my soon to be H. I will not let wedding planning stress me out like it did this past summer. To get back down to 115, the weight where I feel healthiest and happiest. <strong>115 and fit, not just slender and out of shape.</strong> I plan to eat healthy and exercise consistently to make that happen. To devote more serious time to creative writing. To become better at cleaning. To cook more. I make them bc some have worked out really well for me and gotten me moving in the right direction.
    Posted by kalpi108[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is the hardest part, IMO because what used to be my normal weight isn't as easy given the muscle mass I have.  So I just use it as a ballpark and (try) to embrace my new number.</div>
  • Or LDY you can run the warrior dash here in September- worth it.

    Keep the house clean, get my weight down. Learn my work statement better. I have a lot of work goal.s
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  • I don't really do them, but I have goals that I keep on my DayZero list that I've been working on continuously.

    The only thing that I've ever really wanted to do is get abs/back in shape.  I used to dance (for 15 years) and now that I don't, I am really out of shape.


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  • <div style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10px;background-color:initial;background-image:none;background-attachment:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial;font:normal normal normal 11px/14px Arial, sans-serif;">In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 Resolutions</a>:
    [QUOTE]LDY... you could go to ND and do a race here in May.  TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE, bam.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]
    That's a brilliant idea! I need to look into that - will you be open to doing it with me??!?</div>
  • Everything I want to do is on my Day Zero list on my blog, but the ones I'm really pushing are

    - finish classes for my MA degree
    - ride my bike more often


    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Mine is simply not to allow any drama in my life!  Dealing with real-life drama has kept me away from TK for like a month!  Unacceptable!

    Hi, ladies!  I have missed you!
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  • Shan- I can't wait for you to come to Hogwarts. :)

    -start walking a couple times a week
    -stick to our budget
    -pay off last credit card

    I'm sure I can think of more.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: 2012 Resolutions</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to  Re: 2012 Resolutions : That's a brilliant idea! I need to look into that - will you be open to doing it with me??!?
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    Definitely.  I'm going to be signing up for the Fargo Marathon half marathon in a couple weeks!!! 
  • - Quit drinking soda
    - Lose weight (rolled over from past failed resolutions)
    - Run a 5k
  • Ha, Rach, your Hooters weight. Nice. Megbo, I'm embracing that as well. As long as I look and feel like I did at 114-115, I won't let the number on the scale own me.
  • Be healthier and LOOK it. Doesn't help to be a lower weight if you look ill.

    Find a resolution.

    Find a new job.

    Spend more time calling/writing my paternal grandmother.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • These are C&Ped from SB.  Nothing too crazy.

    - Not die in my half marathon in Feb.
    - Finish my prereqs I can apply to a nursing program
    - Make more time for my horses
    - Find a horse my husband can ride (this will help with the resolution above)
    - Sign up for another half marathon

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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Find some renewed strength in my weightloss journey. Send my horse to training in March and keep up on that training when he's out. Find some balance in work and my marriage.
  • -Exercise at least 3x a week
    -Run an entire 5K (I've always walked and this has been my goal since 2009)
    -Save more
    -Not turn into a crazy bride when it gets closer to the wedding (so far, so good)

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  • There are a lot of things on my Day Zero list that I consider resolutions. 
    Like go to the gym 3 times a week or Zumba once a week. I'm hoping to start those as soon as the Spring semester starts. 

  • Like Jill, I don't do NY resolutions, I just make decisions to make changes as soon as they occur to me.  I just started my resolution to exercise more regularly this week.  Woot!
  • 1. Run 1 race out of a half marathon trilogy (spring) and do the summer Road Race
    2. Save more money
    3. Keep a positive attitude
    4. Overall be more kind and less bitchy
  • Get down to a healthier weight (not expeciting to lose all of it in one year)

    Get my GPA high enough to join Phi Theta Alpha before I finish undergrad

    Learn to save better 

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  • LDY if you are gonna go to ND, you might as well make a pit stop in MN.
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