Wedding Etiquette Forum


So, our RSVP by date is less than a week away and we are still missing about 50 RSVPs!  What do we do if we are still missing a large amount of them after the RSVP by date? Do we or our parents call them? Do we count them out? I just dont want to be short on food etc etc. advice....


  • You will just need to contact anyone who doesn't RSVP and ask if they're coming.  Wait until the RSVP has passed though because a lot of people will send it on the actual "RSVP by" date.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    you never know who lost it in the mail etc.
    I would give it a week after the "due date" (people are all proscratinators) and then call whoever is left and gently ask for their reply.
    167 Invited image 34 Attending image Declined 4 image Still Waiting 129 image
  • Yeah... I agree.  I don't know how far before your wedding people are supposed to RSVP but I'd give them maybe 5-7 days after the RSVP by date and then I'd start calling them.  You NEED to know an accurate count so you're not paying for too much food or so you actually get enough food.
  • Our RSVP date is exactly one month before the wedding... so that would give us approx 2 weeks to get ahold of everyone before our reception venue needs our final numbers...
  • My due date was yesterday and I'm still missing about 40. I'm going to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to start calling/e-mailing people. People do forget or think they sent them. I just got an e-mail from a friend saying he thought he sent it back awhile ago and just found it on his desk today so it's on the way now so it does happen.
  • You or your parents can call, it doesn't really matter.  If there are a lot, you can split them up between yourselves, your parents and his parents, if they're all willing, based on who knows the guests the best.
    Married 10/2/10
  • Thanks for this post! Our RSVP date was 7/23 (this past Friday) for an 8/28 wedding, but we need to have an official number no later than 8/10 (gotta love those reception venues ::sigh::). We are missing at least half of our invitations...maybe more! It's going to be so difficult waiting until middle of this week to start calling people :/
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