So I'm wondering how many of you who had (or are having) an adult only wedding had people RSVP adding their kids when the invitation was only addressed to mom/dad?
We've decided no kids, and so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the possibility that someone will most likely add their kids to the RSVP. I definitely stand by my decision to not have kids at the wedding, but I'll be honest and say that I don't want to deal with the stress of having to confront these people or listen to them plead their case on why little Susie should come because she's "so well behaved".
Is it rude of me to enlist someone (like mom or FMIL) to help call and tell people they can't bring their kids, or is it expected that I should call? I'd say the majority of the people with kids, are from fiancé's list, and I don't know them well. I think it would feel strange calling his family I don't really know to tell them their kid can't come.