Wedding Etiquette Forum


I remember reading that your dress is vintage.  Do you know what era it's from?  I want a dress very similar to that, and I'm having a hard time pinpointing what era exactly I need to be looking in.  So far, I haven't had much luck with it. I am in love with your dress, BTW.
Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince

Re: **thesuninherhead**

  • Ummm yeah, I'm kind of a loser.  I just found it in your bio.  I guess I should have looked there first.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Lauren- what kind of dog is that in your siggy?
  • That's Fatty, a teacup chihuahua.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Fatty- cute. I like her pose.
  • I just took the picture the other night on my phone because I found it so ridiculously cute.  Not that you would ever be able to tell from the pic, but Fatty will have you know he is the manliest of male teacup chihuahuas in existence.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Damnit, I wrote you a long reply but it seems that TK ate it!
    In any case: as I gather you've already established, it's a 1950's dress. I do, however, think it's more late 50's/early 60's, given the style.
    I searched for ages for a vintage gown without luck, before having to do my last minute search after the new gown I ended up ordering didn't make it to me. I saw lots of very pretty 1950's type gowns, however most of them were very ivory (and with my pale skin did not suit) or just not quite what I was after. I did see quite a few nice deb ball gowns (not sure if you have deb balls in the states, but they were quite big in Australia at the time) from the 50's that more fitted with what I was after (as most gowns from mid-50's seem to have long sleeves, but a lot of the deb dresses have shorter sleeves), but I must admit that what I ended up with was far more amazing than any of the other gowns I'd seen in my search, though, and it was pure luck that I came by it.
    That said, if you look at blogs like, there's clearly many amazing vintage gowns out there waiting to be discovered. I'm not sure what size you are, but there are lots of smaller gowns (apparently there were lots of smaller women!) from the 50's era around. I'm sure you'll find something!
  • I love your dress
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