Wedding Etiquette Forum

Happy Sunday!

What's going on, ladies?  H and I are in MA, and having Christmas today with his family (not until later when everyone's here).

I have such exciting news (to me at least)!  BIL finally popped the question last night to his girlfriend!  I'm going to have another SIL!  Her ring is GORGEOUS, I don't have pictures but it is seriously stunning.  I am so happy for them.

The only ones who know are H and I, and MIL.  BIL is going to spring it on the whole family when they're here this afternoon.  I can't wait.

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Re: Happy Sunday!

  • Good morning!

    I'm starting out with a lazy morning.  Today, I want to go to church, exercise, and go grocery shopping.  Oh, and submit my bid for a house.  Woot!

    Congrats to your BIL and FSIL, Bay!
  • Oh no, TK is being wonky again.  :(
  • Good luck Mica. I hope you get it!
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  • I wanna see pics of the ring, Bay!  Who doesn't love to look at a big sparkler. =) 

    I am just sitting around.  H has to work today. I should go to work today, but I am resisting.  I need to find a FedEx store and get my parents' gifts in the mail STAT. I'm cutting it way too close. 

    Good luck with the house bid, Mica!  Hopefully this one will be it!
  • Me too!  Of course, it's a short sale, so it might take a little longer to get into the house.  But I have a good feeling about things.
  • Please educate me, Mica! What is a short sale and how does it differ from a regular sale? 

    I feel like this is something I should know.
  • Good morning, all.

    Bay-that's so exciting about your BIL's engagement!  Wahoo!

    I will confess, I also do not know what a short sale is.  I await Mica's explanation.
  • Darn you, TK!  WORK!

    Good luck, Mica!

    Nola, it is gorgeous!  BIL was so proud of it -- he picked it out himself.  It's 1.3 carats and brilliant-cut, positively gorgeous.  She was so funny last night -- they came out for drinks with us after he asked her, and she kept staring at her hand and being like "Is this a joke?  Is this seriously for real?"  It was so cute.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • 1.3 ct.!  Daggum, that's a good-sized rock.  Lucky girl!

    Petal- cleaning happens much the same way in our house.  Although H is off for the next two weeks (wonky private school schedule) and I foresee some dusting in his future.
  • Hello people's!

    H and I did stockings today. :)  It was fun, but man does he not get the idea of stocking stuffers! haha... he bought me an Alessi Christmas ornament and an expensive candle. Weirdo. :) 

    I feel so much better today, thank goodness! My body hurts from coughing so much yesterday.
  • I'm glad you are starting to feel better, Snippy. It seems like you have been sick for awhile. FI has a cold and he isn't nearly as fun when he is sick.

    Alright, off to get groceries before the crowds.
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  • edited December 2011
    Morning. Congrats to your BIL and SIL Bay! Mica good vibes for the house! My dad is a realtor/broker and hates short sales because of all the hoops and red tape but you can get really good deals with them. Today the plan is to clean and bake. H and I got into an argument last night and I'm still not sure if I'm talking to him this morning. I'm mature like that. EDIT: idk why it does the weird bolding to me.
  • Good morning you out of order lovelies! I am trying to get up, but did some serious damage with vodka last night. Ell is putting up plastic on the windows to stop the breeze coming in. I should start getting this place ready for company at 1:00 for football party! I'm making nachos and I have pumpkin cheesecake too... Yummm
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  • Mica- when do you find out about the house? We want to do a short sale someday, it looks like good deals to be had and you can still have room for customizations. Have you been blogging about our house hunt?
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  • Morning all.  TK is not working again,  wonky you say.  Now that is coming to me as big surprise!  meh.

    We have beautiful bluebird skies here in Western NY.  Better yet, FI is at work, kids are still asleep, and the dog is laying quietly in a sunspot on the floor.  I slept in until almost 10 am.  woot woot.

    Mica, good thought to you and Mr. Mica on the house
    Bay, so glad you are having a good time, both you and your hardworking husband so deserve some time to enjoy family and goodness.

    to the rest of us who are shopping, shipping, surfing, cleaning, etc.  have a good one.  Happy Day.
  • Ooooh Nick, how far away did you say we are from each other?  I love nachos and pumpkin cheesecake!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:89de7d1c-8e09-46b9-af33-2a42bd3e9df9Post:1690f6aa-7c92-4a0d-99c6-1f54f38ce519">Re: Happy Sunday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ooooh Nick, how far away did you say we are from each other?  I love nachos and pumpkin cheesecake!
    Posted by ski2play[/QUOTE]

    5 hours and change. Leave now and you can be here in time for the Patriots game at 4:00!
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Sunday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Happy Sunday! : 5 hours and change. Leave now and you can be here in time for the Patriots game at 4:00!
    Posted by Nickivegan[/QUOTE]

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  • Bree - Sorry you feel sick. The only thing I can say for a cold is to rest as much as you can and stay hydrated which it sounds like you're doing.

    Nicki - I want to come to your party. The food sounds great.

    I really want to have a football gathering so that I can make all kinds of fun appetizers/party food. I have this fear of hosting a party. I am afraid that no one will come. I'm weird.
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  • edited December 2011
    That's awesome Bay! It sounds like you will be having a fun time with your family.

    Right now I'm being lazy before I get ready to go grocery shopping. This afternoon I will be cleaning. FI doesn't seem to think it is messy but I do. Which means I will be the one cleaning.

    ETA: This is from about 3 hrs ago.
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