I have a neighbor two doors down from us who has a dog. I've met them once, the owners are a little kooky, but otherwise relatively normal. The dog is a mixed breed, maybe a year old or so, so still kind of a puppy.
They leave their dog outside for hours on end, and he barks. Constantly. Not a playful bark either, or an assertive one, but an urgent high pitched stressful sounding bark.
When I met them they even mentioned something about his constant barking, blew it off, and said something about him being in the back yard all day.
It wakes us up in the morning, I've woken up from it late at night too. Today I heard him barking at about 8am. It's 20 degrees outside, snowing, and there's a wind advisory. The poor dog was probably scared to death, it sounded like a tornado was coming this morning. I heard the owner open her door, scream at him to shut up, and close the door again with him outside.
That pretty much did it for me, I've decided that the woman is a giant azzwipe and I need to do something.
So, here's a poll: