Wedding Etiquette Forum

Bottles or Glasses

We're doing wine, beer, sparlking and still water at our cocktail hour my question is: do I serve the beer in glasses or in the bottle? same goes for the waters I was going to do VOSS water. 
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Re: Bottles or Glasses

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bottles or Glasses</a>:
    [QUOTE]I always ask for a glass when I am drinking a bottled beer. It releases the flavors and <strong>I find it very odd for a female to drink out of a bottle.</strong> I'd probably prepare for glasses with each. People don't have to use the glass if they don't want to.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    What, why?

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bottles or Glasses</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>I just think it's unladylike.</strong> It is def a personal thing. But I'd probably drink a beer out of a glass no matter what to make sure that the flavors are released. All the brewers in town say something happens to the beer during the pour.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    <div>You must think drinking vodka straight from the bottle makes a woman a heathen, then. Not that I've ever done that or anything. </div>
  • It's nice to have glasses available.

    That being said, I'm unladylike and drink beer out of the can/bottle.
  • I was joking. 

    But, seriously, OP - it's probably nice to have glasses available, though I wouldn't say it's absolutely necessary. 
  • xxstardustxxstardust member
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited January 2012
    It's funny, when we were booking our venue my mom made a comment about how it's unladylike to drink out of bottles ... and doubly so in a bridal gown. I responded by promising to get at least one picture of me double fisting beer bottles.
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  • As a woman engaged to an amateur brewer, I say definitely have glasses. Beer is similar to wine in being an olfactory experience as well as taste. Not only does the pour into the glass aerate the beer and allow it to develop a head, it lets you smell it as you drink it. Of course, glasses are also just more formal than drinking out of a bottle. To me, it would be weird to be dressed up for a wedding and swig beer out of the bottle.
  • Wow, I'm really surprised by Chrissy's "drinking from a bottle" comment. Blow me, I guess. I enjoy beer from a bottle. I don't really care about being looked down upon for it, for whatever odd reasoning is behind that. What I do care about is the inherent misogyny. It's odd for a female to drink out of a bottle? I like you Chrissy, but jbfc.
  • I don't drink beer so I'm ignorant when it comes to it. Usually see people drink out of bottles or cans only use glasses/cups if it's a keg. But thought all those options were not very elegant for the wedding but didn't know if glasses would be snobish. Glasses it is, thanks.

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  • I actually went to a "cocktail hour etiquette" class during law school (they made us go so we wouldn't act like heathens at recruiting and networking events) and somebody asked about whether women could drink beer at these functions, and whether they should request a glass, and the "expert" teaching the class said (1) it's fine for women to drink beer at networking events; and (2) you should drink it out of whatever container it's served in, so it's fine to drink beer out of a bottle if it's being served in a bottle.

    In my head, the theme song from those "The More You Know" commercial breaks from the nineties is now playing.
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  • I don't drink beer, but my contention is that glasses are just a little bit more elegant than bottles, at least if you're having a more formal event.  Bottles or cans are fine for a barbecue or something more casual.
  • Use glasses

    A friend of ,mine was horrified when she got her photos back and in almost every one she had a bottle in her hand.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bottles or Glasses</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Bottles or Glasses : What, why?
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
    I was thinking the same thing. I drink out of bottles, but I've never seen someone drink beer out of a glass. <div>
    </div><div>I say have a glass for those who want it.</div>
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Bottles or Glasses</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sorry to offend you Daf.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]
    It's not so much about offending <em>me</em>. Like, I can dig sparkly's grandmother's take on it - where she thinks it's unseemly for a male or female to drink from a bottle. I can respect that, at least. I understand the whole bit about the pouring, too - especially as a self-professed beer snob. But the unequal application of the opinion based on gender really bugs.
  • I think having glasses available for beer is nice, so people can choose.  I would have larger bottles or pitchers of water and pour it into glasses.  People walking around with bottles of water does not seem very formal to me.  
  • We're having the bartenders pour the beer into glasses and not offering the bottles, for all the reasons bonzo said (FI brews as well)

    We're serving great beer, it's gonna taste as great as possible!
  • edited January 2012
    I think what we do is have the bartender ask if the guest would like a glass for their beer, this way we were able to save on rentals since most guests would say the bottle is fine.  Our wedding was not extremely formal so drinking beer from a bottle was not out of place. 
  • The wedding isn't ultra formal but is not casual either. As for the water I wasn't talking about plastic bottled water I was going to get a few cases of VOSS water I actually like the look of the cylindrical glass bottles. I know it might sound pretentious but since it's a limited bar (venue is a historical site that does not allow hard liquor) I didn't want it to look cheep with pitchers of water that could be just tap water and generic seltzer.
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  • Rose

    Don't you remember going to the fridge when you were a kid and grabbing the bottle of OJ or milk and chugging from it.  Then, Mom would yell, "get a glass! did you grow up in a barn?"

    Same idea, grown up
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:8ea04457-ae5b-4a9b-923e-755f85ee2b7dPost:71b18a5f-bb0a-4aa0-ab5d-bde4c1f01b59">Re: Bottles or Glasses</a>:
    [QUOTE]The wedding isn't ultra formal but is not casual either. As for the water I wasn't talking about plastic bottled water I was going to get a few cases of VOSS water I actually like the look of the cylindrical glass bottles. I know it might sound pretentious but since it's a limited bar (venue is a historical site that does not allow hard liquor) I didn't want it to look cheep with pitchers of water that could be just tap water and generic seltzer.
    Posted by Rose March[/QUOTE]

    VOSS water does look nice, but I still think glasses need to be available. Some people might not use them, but then that's their choice.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bottles or Glasses</a>:
    [QUOTE]The wedding isn't ultra formal but is not casual either. As for the water I wasn't talking about plastic bottled water I was going to get a few cases of VOSS water I actually like the look of the cylindrical glass bottles. I know it might sound pretentious but since it's a limited bar (venue is a historical site that does not allow hard liquor) I didn't want it to look cheep with pitchers of water that could be just tap water and generic seltzer.
    Posted by Rose March[/QUOTE]

    <div>I feel like water is always poured into glasses for meals that are slightly formal.  I have a water bottle in my purse, but I drink out of a glass at dinner, even though I could just get my bottle out.  If you are worried about looking cheap (which I don't think you will regardless), you can just have larger bottles of the flat and sparkling waters and have those poured into a glass as guests order them.  That way, it's easy to add lemon or lime, which some people like in water.  </div>
  • Have the bartender offer a glass.
  • edited January 2012
    I proudly drink my beer from the bottle, can, glass, red solo cup, funnel, whatever.  I love beer and really don't care how it's served. 
  • Settled. Beer and water both get opened at bar and poured into glasses. Looks better and makes beer taste better. Thank you.
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  • According to David Tutera, a bride should NEVER been seen with a bottle in her hand.  Glasses are a must!
  • Bonzo2011Bonzo2011 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Bottles or Glasses</a>:
    [QUOTE]Settled. Beer and water both get opened at bar and poured into glasses. Looks better and makes beer taste better. Thank you.
    Posted by Rose March[/QUOTE]

    You're welcome!
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