Not an exciting NWR post, but it's what I've got.

How many hours a night do you sleep? Are you generally tired at work? What do you do to combat that? If you're sleeping poorly on a regular basis, what do you do to fix it?
I'm averaging about 5 - 6 hours/night right now. H isn't working this month, so he sleeps late, which means he isn't tired when I'm ready to go to bed. So, between going to bed solo, him coming in later, and the 60 pound Boxer puppy jumping on the bed at every opportunity, I'm not getting good sleep for those 5 - 6 hours either. And it's catching up with me. Help me out, please!
DIY & Planning |
Married: 2010
Mom to J: 2011
Mom to H: 2014

Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485