Im not sure what category this goes in, but this seems just about right.
Ok so let me first off start with this. I'm 23 years old and I've been engaged for a year and 2 months. I've never been with anyone longer than a year. Now, let me get to the point now.
Ok, so my first kiss, and my first boyfriend-love, (let's call him Jake) ("Jake" is not his real name. I'd rather keep his name to myself just in case in gets in to the public some how), I've started to think about him alot lately and the feelings I had for him when we dated in high school, are now all of a sudden are stirring back up again. And I think I still have the hots for "Jake". And I'm pretty sure it's normal to have feelings for your first boyfriend/girlfriend and still want room for them in your heart. I've always have and I always will have room for Jake in my heart. But the thing is, how far can normal go for feelings for your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Especially for, someone like me, who is engaged with an amazing guy who loves you to death and will do anything for you. So, am I right, is this normal to like Jake still and have feelings for him still? Am I just confused and didn't allow myself any time to get over him? Please keep in mind that Jake was, too, an amazing guy. Very sweet and thoughtful, and caring and friendly and genuine guy that's a gentlemen, and very smart and also very cute too.
Am I just getting cold feet from the thought of the wedding and just scared? I don't even know what I'm feeling.
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