Wedding Etiquette Forum

Come. Wallow with me.


Re: Come. Wallow with me.

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    FI and I are living on his salary until I graduate next spring.  His company refuses to take out city taxes, so we try really hard to save enough to pay them ourselves.  

    I feel like a bitch for saying this, but I really don't like our house.  I get that it's a roof over our head and all, but he bought it right before we met, and it is not something I ever would have picked out.  He's figured out that I don't like it, but I can't ever say anything because he has all this manly pride about providing for me and being the first in his family to buy a house.

    He bought it right after it had major work done, so he paid way more for it than the area is worth.  I just worry that we will never ever get out of here.
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    Not that I'm wishing my misery on anyone else, but it does make me feel better to know we're not the only ones who have it rough.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:9e996c41-f94c-4c40-985c-d2da3f25a813Post:82f9783d-31ff-4023-9237-c0dd6edb4d1a">Re: Come. Wallow with me.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Not that I'm wishing my misery on anyone else, but it does make me feel better to know we're not the only ones who have it rough.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    Nope!  I like threads like this.  They make me snap out of my misery, even if only temporarily.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Waiting to meet the baby broccoli on 5/5/2013!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Come. Wallow with me.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Come. Wallow with me. : Nope!  I like threads like this.  They make me snap out of my misery, even if only temporarily.
    Posted by doctabroccoli[/QUOTE]

    Me too.
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    Dude I swear car breaks are total assholes because every time I FINALLY have the ability to save money they start squealing again. It's the worst sound in the world because it's not only ear piercing, it makes my tummy upset knowing how much they could cost me. I'm still paying off brake work that I got done on my Altima that was totalled in 2009. It SUCKS!

    FI and I both have decent paying jobs, but with a combination of events we don't have as much money after bills as we used to. I've had a goal to pay off my CC before we get married, but it seems like every month I make a big payment, something else gets put right back on. It really stresses me out and makes me feel like I'm not contributing anything.

    I've thought about getting a part time job after work, but I only have a few hours to see FI after we both get home and we travel to visit family almost every weekend of the month. I would never be able to find a job that would be flexible enough with my schedule and wouldn't keep me up until the wee hours of the morning.

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    That is why I like you ladies so much. I don't feel as alone in my/our daily struggles. It really does help when you know you are not alone.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:9e996c41-f94c-4c40-985c-d2da3f25a813Post:82f9783d-31ff-4023-9237-c0dd6edb4d1a">Re: Come. Wallow with me.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Not that I'm wishing my misery on anyone else, but it does make me feel better to know we're not the only ones who have it rough.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    You're not alone at all. We have weeks/time like this, and it's frustrating as hell. But, they do pass, and in the end, things work out like they should. It's like Fish said - one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

    It does help knowing you aren't the only one feeling like that, though. ((LC))
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
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    I'm a little late to this, but just wanted to add another "you're not alone!"  Having H unemployed for a year and a half was rough.  I'm a saver, I like having money in savings and using some of that each month KILLED me.  Now I'm trying to be super aggressive about building it back up, but now that H has a job (albiet an $11/hr job) I think he feels like we can go back to spending whatever we want.

    I hate that we have two car payments and a student loan payment for H for a degree he didn't even finish.  I don't want to TTC before we pay off at least one of the cars and that will be at least a year or two away.

    And the commute with the new job is wearing me down a bit more than I thought it would.  But I'm trying to count little blessings every day :)

    You'll get through this.  Everyone in this thread will get through it :)
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
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    I'm going to cry when I do the financial aid "exit counseling." I know I'll owe over $100,000, but I don't yet know the exact number or what my monthly payments are going to be. So far I've dealt with this by sticking my head in the sand and not thinking about it much.

    BUT-we're all going to make it. Because we're good enough, we're smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like us.
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    That stinks. We owe the stupid govt about $2500 this year. Take, take, take.
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    We feel so stuck sometimes and it's rediculous because we both have good paying jobs, but we bought this stupid house 6 years ago and we are upside down on it to the tune of when we sell it our savings will be wiped out and we'll have to go back to renting while we save up a downpayment for another house.  It sucks to feel like you should have it all together, but you dont because of a bad decision made years ago.  We just keep telling ourselves we're getting there, but it's rough.  Make a budget, make a plan and stick to it.  Good luck!!
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    Cengle, not to make you panic worse, but the exit interview blowed.  I knew that I owed that much (about as much as you think you're going to), but seeing it on paper just...hits it home.  The good thing is, once you start making the payments, it's just another payment, and you don't even think of it any more than you do a regular car or rent payment.  I have mine automatically debited each month, and I know when it's going to happen, and it's less than both my car and my rent (substantially less), so it's not as bad as it seemed when I looked at the paper and was all OMG I AM GOING TO BE POOR FOREVER.

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