Wedding Etiquette Forum

seperated parents worry :s

ok i have a dillema, my parents are sort of seperated but we all still live together in the same house. regardless of the fact that he is a twat i'm generally closer to my mother and my sister who is my head bridesmaid. just because they know me better i want my mother to walk me down the aisle and my sister to deliver a speech instead of my dad, how do i break the news to him????

Re: seperated parents worry :s

  • You know your family and your situation. Is this going to hurt your father's feelings? I know my dad would be devastated. If it's not something you're worried about, or don't think that it will affect your relationship, just be honest with him. Say something along the lines of "Dad, I feel that my relationships with Mom and Sister are a bit stronger than my relationship with you. For this reason, I've chosen to have Mom walk me down the aisle."
  • Maybe have both of them walk you down the aisle? 
  • Hm.  I tried to broach the possibility of having my dad and my mom walk me down the aisle and my dad about flipped.  And he's usually pretty chill.  So be careful where you tread with this.  If you decide to go down this route, expect that your dad will be hurt, and it will likely affect your relationship for a long time.

    Could you have him walk to you the first aisle, then have your mom take you the rest of the way?  Or they share the duty the whole way?  Both would probably be more palatable to a dad than being nixed altogether.
  • I have a similar situation, although my parents have been divorced for almost 25 years.  My mom raised me and my dad was not all that supportive while I was growing up.  I had toyed with the idea of both my parents walking me in but I finally decided since I'm having such a small wedding that I will walk alone and not have a "giving away".  I told my dad that since the wedding would be so non traditional and short that "giving me away" would not really fit and would be awkward.  He seemed disappointed but not mad.

    In your situation you may want to walk alone and then have your mom give you way but say something like "Her father and I".  Either way, good luck, I understand how difficult this is.
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