Here's the 411:
I have had a lot of drama (not wedding related) with my family over the last year that has made things a little more tense and created some seperation with my parents and brothers. I have not been super close with my brothers for a few years although I talk with my sis-in-law regularily and see my brothers at family events (like Xmas) or the random family dinner. My FI isn't close with them at all and doesn't want them to stand with him as his GM. I am COMPLETELY fine with this, but I don't want to cause more family drama/issues. I'm not sure my brothers would really care, but I have the feeling my MOM would as she's mentioned stuff when this happened at other people's weddings. My FI and I would really like only 2 attendants each--all close friends. (He's an only child.) Four people on each side is really more than we care to have and he wants the same amount for each of us so that he doesn't feel like most of the people up front with us are mine (which is understandable). WHAT DO I DO? Can I not have my brothers in the wedding without causing more drama? I would be happy to give them an usher or other role. I don't want them excluded entirely. HELP!
PS. If I don't have them as GM, any ideas on how to tell them so I don't cause hurt feelings/stress for everyone?