Wedding Etiquette Forum

XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording

I have magnet save the date magnets (large magnets from VP) for my save the dates. They fit perfectly in an A4 envelope. For those I am inviting with dates who I don't know the name of (those without longterm boyfriends/girlfriends now and such), I want to include a business-card sized insert to tell them they are invited to bring a guest so they can make travel arrangements. Here's my wording so far: 
"Two seats have been reserved in your honor

Please feel free to invite a guest"
Is this good, or should I just include the first line? Any ideas for a better phrasing?

Re: XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording

  • couldn't you just skip the card and address the envelope to Ms. Sally Smith + Guest
  • You could just write Ms. Sarah Smith and Guest on the envelope.  
  • JCM10JCM10 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    I've always heard it was tacky to write "and guest"....
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a61abae2-649e-42ec-89b9-ec2694e322acPost:549e404f-7528-41ba-bdb5-b979eae517cf">Re: XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've always heard it was tacky to write "and guest"....
    Posted by JCM10[/QUOTE]

    For STDs, its ok because STDs can be more casual. Saying "two seats have been reserved..." to me, is more for the formal wedding invitation. Just put "and guest" on the front or insert a little note in the STD that says they're welcomed to bring a guest.
  • JCM10JCM10 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    In Response to <a href="">Re: XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording : For STDs, its ok because STDs can be more casual. Saying "two seats have been reserved..." to me, is more for the formal wedding invitation. Just put "and guest" on the front or insert a little note in the STD that says they're welcomed to bring a guest.
    Posted by LisaChris2011[/QUOTE]

    <div>So just the 2nd line? I don't feel like our save the dates are super casual. They have fairly formal wording on them. Them being magnets was my one compromise for making them casual. </div>
  • Personally, I would write a personal note: "Sally, Hope to see you there! Please feel free to bring a guest. Love, JCM" and put it in the STD. How many people fall into this category of having a guest but you don't know the name?
  • JCM10JCM10 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    It applies to a lot of my friends (we're just graduating from college...people are either married or single. Single guests all get a date).  I could write them by hand I suppose, and use the 2nd line from my original. 
  • LisaChris2011LisaChris2011 member
    edited April 2011
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a61abae2-649e-42ec-89b9-ec2694e322acPost:916f4fd1-d6b4-4bee-abe8-5d0872eb2d9c">Re: XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording : So just the 2nd line? I don't feel like our save the dates are super casual. They have fairly formal wording on them. Them being magnets was my one compromise for making them casual. 
    Posted by JCM10[/QUOTE]

    Okay, then do what SirJulius is advising.  Insert a little note in the envelope.  This route, actually, is the best thing to do etiquette wise when you don't know the name of a guest's plus-one.
  • JCM10JCM10 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    I'm definitely leaning toward inserting a note. Knowing my friends, the envelope will be opened and thrown away before the even read the STD!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: XP: STDs - inviting plus ones wording</a>:
    [QUOTE]Personally, I would write a personal note: "Sally, Hope to see you there! Please feel free to bring a guest. Love, JCM" and put it in the STD. How many people fall into this category of having a guest but you don't know the name?
    Posted by SirJuliusVonHaast[/QUOTE]

    <div>I really like this idea [: </div>
  • I think this is kind of scary, because you're locking yourself into definitely inviting 
    +1's for everyone. If you're comfortable with that, I like the note idea.
  • I understand that you want to be gracious so that people can make travel plans but I agree with PP about making positively sure you can afford/have space for all people with guests (I'd check with FMIL about her guest list before sending them at the very least because FMIL's seem to have a way of including last minute add ons in my experience). 

    90% of problems on the etiquette board seem to stem from people who sent STDs to everyone when they were really excited and then things changed and they ended up wishing they could not invite some of those people. 
  • JCM10JCM10 member
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments
    We're signing the last of our contracts this weekend, and already have the budget in place. We have had 4 drafts of the guest list already, because we've been engaged for 14 months. It's pretty concrete at this point. Our problem wasn't FMIL, it was his grandparents who have lived in the city forever and are business owners so know the whole town!

    And so many of our friends are married/engaged that the difference in inviting +1s really is like 20 people. A lot of these won't take advantage of the +1 because they're military and not dating anyone (but may be by the wedding). We're thinking maybe 12 dates total. 
  • I let all of our out of town guests know while talking to them (either via instant messenger or email or phone) that they were going to be invited with a guest, so they could make travel arrangements. For local guests, they'll just get the +1 on the invitation itself. 
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