So in order to get into the education program at my college, you have to take the Praxis, have a 2.75 GPA, and make a C or better in two education classes.
I got a B in one of the education classes so that one doesn't matter but in the other class I figured out that I had to make a 70 on the final to get at least a C in the class. I ended up with an F somehow.
There are only 3 grades in the class and they each count for 1/3 of the grade. There are two exams and 1 homework grade. I got a 65 on the first exam and a 90 on the homework so I would've had to make a 30 on the final. There is no way in hell I made a 30 on the final.
I emailed my teacher hoping it is a mistake. If I fail this class, I can't get into the teaching program until next Fall so I'll be a whole year behind. I'm freaking out a little bit.
Sorry this is kind of livejournalish but I know FI is tired of my talking about it and I needed to get it out.