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Well this sucks. - update

So in order to get into the education program at my college, you have to take the Praxis, have a 2.75 GPA, and make a C or better in two education classes. 

I got a B in one of the education classes so that one doesn't matter but in the other class I figured out that I had to make a 70 on the final to get at least a C in the class. I ended up with an F somehow.

There are only 3 grades in the class and they each count for 1/3 of the grade. There are two exams and 1 homework grade. I got a 65 on the first exam and a 90 on the homework so I would've had to make a 30 on the final. There is no way in hell I made a 30 on the final. 

I emailed my teacher hoping it is a mistake. If I fail this class, I can't get into the teaching program until next Fall so I'll be a whole year behind. I'm freaking out a little bit.

Sorry this is kind of livejournalish but I know FI is tired of my talking about it and I needed to get it out. 

Re: Well this sucks. - update

  • Oh, aleigh, that does suck. It sounds like it is a mistake and hopefully it will be corrected quickly.
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Oh, aleigh.  :(  I hope it was a mistake.
  • Do you have your Praxis results yet?
  • That sounds nerve wrecking and it sucks. I hope it all works out for you!
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  • Ugh, that stinks! I really hope that it is just a mistake!
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  • I'm scheduled to take it the 12th. 

    I'm eating some key lime pie to make me feel better. Hi, I'm aleigh and I eat my feelings.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a8c27b16-e8be-440d-b0ea-d505a8bb495cPost:f521fcec-88c1-4522-8575-7d24e994dcbb">Re: Well this sucks.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm scheduled to take it the 12th.  I'm eating some key lime pie to make me feel better. Hi, I'm aleigh and I eat my feelings.
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    Good luck. I am sure you will do fine.

    I am a terrible test taker and passed it with flying colors. I did a lot of studying and practice questions for it.
  • That makes me feel better. I hate taking long tests like that but I have a study book I've been working in.
  • Ugh I hope it was a mistake!!
  • I know what'll cheer you up. A cute puppy.

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  • Aww Aleigh, I hope it was just a mistake. Hang in there! Here are some cute kitties!

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  • When I turned in my exam, I handed to the teacher herself and we have to sign the attendance sheet after we turn the exam in so they should have it. But it is possible that they lost it or something, but I would hope they would tell me that they didn't have an exam for me. 
  • It definitely never hurts to ask the professor to double check! My brother went from a C to an A for a final grade in one of his classes because the professor made a mistake. Hope it's a similar situation in your case!!
  • Ugh, aleigh that is really crappy. It does seem a little strange though, since getting a 90 on your HW plus your other grade, you would have had to REALLY fail it. You would think they'd tell you if they lost it or didn't get it recorded, etc. But strangely some schools just don't feel that is necessary. I had a final project for an ASL class, which was a video with a partner. I had a final exam during the time we were supposed to turn it in (physically to the teacher's office within a specified 2 hour time frame...really weird, I know), so my partner volunteered to turn it in. I had no reason to distrust him until that point because we had been friends all semester, so I said ok.

    3 weeks later, I see an Incomplete as my grade. I email my teacher saying (in a kind manner) WTF is this, and turns out my partner NEVER TURNED IN OUR ASSIGNMENT. And then proceeded to not tell me. I asked him wtf his problem was, and he kinda was like "Oh, yeah, my roommate threw it away and then I moved back to SD. Sorry!" ....I was so beyond pissed.

    So basically, I feel you.
  • Is there a possibility the tests are weighted more than the homework grade?  As a teacher myself my tests are worth 40% of my student's final grade.  Homework is worth 20%, Quizzes 10%, Final/EOC 10%, and classwork 20%.  Homework and classwork can be done in groups, with the book, with notes, etc.  It is practice to prepare you for the test, which tells me "what you really know" vs. "what you can look up"  Therefore it is worth more overall. 

    Total point you may have had to score as low as a 30 to fail, but if it was a weighted system it could have been higher than that.  It will all depend on what the percentages are and how much each test was worth.  I do hope it was a mistake (yes teachers are human and we can make mistakes).  Good Luck!
  • I said in my OP that each grade was worth 1/3 of my final grade.
  • *HUGS*

    I eat my feelings too sometimes, no shame.

    And I think this is just an all-around fail week in regards to school.  I hope this works out for you.

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  • Well I guess I did legitimately fail the class. This is my teacher's email:

    "You got a D on the first exam. You got an F on this exam. That is not proficient. I suggest you take the course again this summer."

    I still don't think I could've gotten an F so I asked her if i could come in and look over the exam. I would honestly rather change my major to human development than take the course again.
  • Oh no, that sucks! I am sorry, I hope you figure something out :(
  • Aleigh - I'm really sorry to hear that.  I think asking to look over the exam is a reasonable request.  I'm a TA here, and we have to grant that requeset for all exams.

    Out of curiosity, what is the class on that you would rather change majors than take it again?   Or is it that you don't want to have this prof again, and taking the class again would mean you have to?
  • Oh Aleigh, I'm so sorry.

    I hope you can gain some understanding from looking at the exam and you can figure out something to do.
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  • I'm a math nerd. 

    You needed at least a 55% on this exam to pass the course with a 70%.  The weighted average is (.65 X 1/3) + (.9 X 1/3) + (final exam score X 1/3) = 0.7 to meet the passing score of 70%.  If you plug 0.55 into that final exam score, you'd get 0.7 and a passing score.  If you'd have gotten a 30% on the final, your overall grade would have actually been 62%.  Some classes I've taken, in addition to the average, require you pass at least a certain number of tests to pass the class.  If you failed both tests but had the required percentage to pass, maybe this is why your instructor wants you to repeat the course.

    I told you this to help because I've gone through academic troubles of my own, and I found it easier to deal with it if I actually had the full picture of what went on.   I, too, am going to go back to school to become a teacher, and I know that any struggles I have had will make me a better, more understanding teacher in the end.  This will do the same for you.  Best of luck to you, and keep your chin up. 

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well this sucks. - update</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm a math nerd.  You needed at least a 55% on this exam to pass the course with a 70%.  The weighted average is (.65 X 1/3) + (.9 X 1/3) + (final exam score X 1/3) = 0.7 to meet the passing score of 70%.  If you plug 0.55 into that final exam score, you'd get 0.7 and a passing score.  If you'd have gotten a 30% on the final, your overall grade would have actually been 62%.  Some classes I've taken, in addition to the average, require you pass at least a certain number of tests to pass the class.  If you failed both tests but had the required percentage to pass, maybe this is why your instructor wants you to repeat the course. I told you this to help because I've gone through academic troubles of my own, and I found it easier to deal with it if I actually had the full picture of what went on.   I, too, am going to go back to school to become a teacher, and I know that any struggles I have had will make me a better, more understanding teacher in the end.  This will do the same for you.  Best of luck to you, and keep your chin up. 
    Posted by whifflegirl[/QUOTE]
    But a 70% is not a C in most grading systems, it's a C-.  She would have had to get probably at least a 73 overall in order to get the C, which would require at least a 63 on the final exam.

  • That is a cruddy situation OP. As far as the Praxis is concerned, just study enough not to overwhelm yourself. I don't know if you have to take the PLT portion, but I didn't even finish that one and I passed with flying colors. I have a hard time keeping my short answers short. lol

    Good luck with everything! I hope you get something worked out.
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