Wedding Etiquette Forum

Thursday peeps

What say you?  This is my last work day (of two) this week.  So glad it'll be over soon.  

Re: Thursday peeps

  • Morning!

    Stacks, I am jealous.  We don't get any days off for New Year's since we already have the weekend off.  I still have two days to work this week and a five day week after.  Boo.

    H is pulling an 8 hour shift, then we have a break (and counseling), and then he's doing the overnight shift.  I'm kind of wondering how that's going to go.  I'm not a huge fan of sleeping least it's chilly so the cats will be looking for company.  Plus the book I'm reading now is pretty good and I can get lost in it if I need to.

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  • We just get Monday off for New Year's, I took Tues and Friday off this week so that I had a 5 day weekend and then a 4 day weekend.  If we didn't have this stupid data crunch I'd have taken the entire week off.  Oh well.  

    I'm sure you'll be fine tonight.  I always have to sleep with the tv on or the living room light on if T isn't home.  I need to be able to see what's going on around me if I wake up in the middle of the night.  
  • I'm pretty sure we get Monday off, so I'm looking forward to a 3-day weekend and sleeping in. I didn't get to sleep in at all last weekend with all the holiday stuff going on. I went to bed way too late last night though (watching old episodes of The Big Bang Theory, which H and I recently got into) so I'm paying for it now.
  • Good morning!

    I have to make it through today and tomorrow, then I get a 3 day weekend.  Woot!
  • I love the Big Bang Theory, except now I can't watch it around Jocelyn b/c they seem to cuss a lot on that show.  Maybe they always did and I just now noticed it, idk.  
  • Good morning. I have to work today through Saturday. I think I have to work Monday. I'm going to talk to the boss today about it. There are no appointments on the books and if anything I can work from home. Lucas comes home tonight so it kind of sucks that half the time he'll be here I'm working.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b27cd78a-8b20-4b55-abd9-2d74556ac0cbPost:b40ce5a0-9eeb-43ee-a22d-f74ac7ebf828">Re: Thursday peeps</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love the Big Bang Theory, except now I can't watch it around Jocelyn b/c they seem to cuss a lot on that show.  Maybe they always did and I just now noticed it, idk.  
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Do they? I don't know that I've noticed a lot. BBT is one of the few shows that's ever made me actually laugh out loud. We just saw the episode from anna's sig last night, the one where Leonard chases Sheldon around the ball pen as he pops up saying "Bazinga," and holy crap we were dying laughing at that.
  • That's a hilarious episode. I need to watch more of that show.
  • See that's the thing I don't remember a lot of cussing but a few nights ago they said a$$ a ton and I finally had to change it b/c J was in the room.  
  • I love that show.  H hates it.  He's not a fan of most sitcoms.  That makes me sad.
  • I watched the Chappelle Show yesterday and forgot how much that show made me laugh.  Tyrone Biggums talking about, "I didn't do that Rhonda, how can you be asleep but high on crack?"  
  • I prefer watching reruns of older sitcoms to the newer ones, most of which seem to be overly cheesy and cliche nowadays. The only new one I like is New Girl (not sure how old BBT is). Oh, and we do like HIMYM, but again I don't know how old it is since we just started watching it.  
  • Cfas, I hear you.  Last year we spent the entire month of December and half of January going away every weekend to visit people.  By the last weekend I was just DONE.  This year H is working NYE but I'm having like 10 people over, all very close friends, so I'm hoping that will go well.  Last year was just too much.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • I told Trevor I don't want to go out on New Year's at all!  I have zero intentions of being out on the roads with a bunch of drankards and crazy people.  So we're going to church, then dinner and then trying to see if we can get Jocelyn to make it to midnight for the first time at home.  
  • Cfas I like 2 broke girls!  I guess I don't know funny, but it's alright, I'm ok with that.  I find it way more funny than New Girl.  
  • I've only seen 1 episode of 2 Broke Girls and wasn't impressed. I'd probably watch it if it was On Demand, but I can't find it.

    I hate the show Man Up. My mom insists it's the funniest show ever, but I think it's just syupid. And I really wanted to like the new Tim Allen sitcom (where he has 3 daughters rather than 3 sons), but I keep comparing him to Home Improvement and it just doesn't measure up. Like I said, sitcoms just aren't what they used to be.
  • Cfas -- we're in the same boat!  But I sent the warning out early -- I told them we only had a full size bed, a futon, and an air mattress.  My sister tried to claim the bed, but I am not even getting involved.  They can duke it out themselves.

    Just as long as nobody ends up sleeping in our bed.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • We're BBT fans, too. Waiting on the internet repair tech. We'be had no internet for a couple if days. Typing on the phone is a pain.
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  • Morning! I have to be up early on break to go to the dentist :( Yuck.

    We're big fans of BBT too. We haven't seen the most recent season yet though. I also don't mind New Girl. Some episodes were better than others, but I will keep watching it.
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  • Morning.  I had to get up around 11 to take nyquil just to fall asleep.  I feel like a zombie this morning.  I'm hoping they let us out early again tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!

    I love BBT.  We're waiting for more seasons to show up on netflix.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thursday peeps</a>:
    [QUOTE]Bay -- The thing is, I don't think my husband even knows how many people are coming. They are all his friends. He says he knows of four people for sure, then there is another guy, who may or may not bring his girlfriend and who may or may not be staying in our house. Uh.. that's helpful? Also, this other guy (who may or may not bring his girlfriend) has been 'seeing' this girl for a year. Which is interesting, considering he totally made out with someone hardcore at our Halloween party this year. Who was definitely not his girlfriend. <strong>Won't that be a fun drinking game? "Never have I ever cheated on my girlfriend at a Halloween party held at this house .... Oh, just you then"</strong>
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]


    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Morning y'all!
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  • Good Morning!

    I actually was shocked that I loved the BBT.  Has anyone seen the new Muppet Movie?  The guy who plays Sheldon makes a cameo, it's pretty hilarious.

    I agree with Sesh though, I prefer old sitcoms.  Most of them are just too contrived now.  Though, I am a big fan of Modern Family.

    I'm excited to be almost done with the week.  Just two more days and then a 3 day weekend.  Yay!
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  • Morning all.

    Last day this week for me, woo hoo.  I need more vacation, cause this place is driving me bonkers this week.  And we've got a full week next week, since for some dumb reason, we have tomorrow off, but not Monday.  So I'm missing my alma mater's bowl game, the Winter Classic, and hanging out with H, because he has Monday (but not tomorrow) off.  Grrr.  I'm tempted to call in "sick", since we get unlimited sick days, but I know that will come back and haunt me somehow.
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  • Hi ladies! How is everyone? I haven't been here in a while. I am sitting on the patio in Cozumel waiting for H tom wake up so we can go for a run. I hope you all had a great Christmas!
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  • Good Morning Ladies,

    I also have tomorrow off instead of Monday - it's going to SUCK working next week.

    Just have to get through today, though, and I'm spending the day with my oldest tomorrow, just me and her ~ should be a great time!
  • Hi Habs!

    I wish I was in Mexico.  It's f-ing freezing this morning.
  • It is definitely a little chilly here.  I forgot I had tennis shoes yesterday and my feet were freezing.  Luckily I remembered I had them last night.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Must be nice to live in a place where you can forget you have tennis shoes Adamar. :-P
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