Wedding Etiquette Forum

Do you actually watch your video?

I'm waffling back and forth on what to do about a video.  I know for sure all I really want is to have something to show the family back home, cause most of them can't make it.

We could go with a cheaper option of having it live webcasted so people here can watch. 

Or, we could do the bit more expensive option of getting a regular videographer and a dvd.  I just can't decide if it'd be worth it.

Does anyone watch their video afterwards, besides the crazy KPS girl that watches it daily?

Re: Do you actually watch your video?

  • My FI and I recently watched the wedding video of my best man's wedding trying to get ideas; it was the first time they'd watched it since getting married two years ago, his wife was like wow, we almost didn't do a video and this is bringing back so many memories I'm so glad we did.

    So.... I'd do it, you might not watch it as much as you'd think but you'll probably be glad you have it when you do.

    Married in Vegas - June 2011

  • edited August 2010
    J is horrified to watch ours. He copied it for his aunt and got it started, then quickly left.
    I want to see it, but don't want to watch it without him. As much as he hates "still" cameras? Yeah, multiply that by 10 for a video camera. and there were 2, plus his nephew had one.

    PS - the moral is - I'd do both a webcast AND a video. You might find the webcast comes with video copy or something. If you're going to Las Vegas, both are fairly standard.
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  • We watched it once, the night we got it in the mail.  Now it's travelling around to family members to watch. 

    I'm glad we got it, because we didn't have a lot of guests at our wedding, so it's nice to be able to send it to the people who want to see it.
  • I wish we had one.  I wouldn't watch it regularly, but I would love to see the ceremony again.  It all goes by so fast.
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  • We didn't have a professional videographer, so our video is just from a regular camcorder. We watched part of it when my dad was editing it and I haven't touched it since. Neither of us can stand to watch ourselves on camera.
  • We have not watched ours once.

    We look through our album all the time though.

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  • We watched ours the night of-- H wanted to watch it at 4am, weirdo. 

    But I'd do what Missy suggested, both!  We had a webcast too.  Why would it cost you anything?  All we did was use a free service, hook up the computer to the venue's wireless and voila.
  • My mom has watched it 4 or 5 times.  We have watched it 0 times, unless you count the one time we watched in on fast-forward to get the gist of things.  I'm glad we have it, but I'd be fine without it.
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  • Amoro, our venue doesn't have wireless, so that's out.  How did you stream yours for free?  Did you do a camcorder or a laptop?  We'd have to do it over the cell network, if that's even an option.
  • I think having a video on DVD is great to have. I think you will value it more as the years go by. As the years go by, people change in appearance and some people die. It is a real nice remembrance of not only the bride and groom but of their family and friends.
  • We used my laptop and a website called ustream.  It lets you show live feeds and all you have to do is set up the time and all that.  Pretty easy.
  • I wish we had a better video. I thought it wouldn't matter, so we didn't get a videographer. Bil said he would take video for us but it was mostly 4 hours of his kid going "Hi daddy!" and that's it. Dh's cousin made us a short video with clips and photos and I absolutely love it and watch it when I'm having a bad day.
  • We've watched our video quite a few times.  I really wasn't sold on having a video but my BM who's a professional shooter insisted on it and I'm so glad she did.  That video makes me really happy and captures all the sheer joy I was feeling. 

  • My sister's friend used our Filp camera to get the ceremony.  Good enough for me!
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  • My FI and I figured it like this, we would watch the video the day after to see everyone, then maybe on your 1yr anniversary and then probably pack it away and forget about it. So we are ditching the video.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Do you actually watch your video?</a>:
    [QUOTE]We've watched our video quite a few times.  I really wasn't sold on having a video but my BM who's a professional shooter insisted on it and I'm so glad she did.  That video makes me really happy and captures all the sheer joy I was feeling. 
    Posted by julezlee[/QUOTE]

    Yours is pretty much what I want for mine. I don't want every single detail filmed but I love that yours is so emotional without being boring for other people to watch. When you first posted it, I watched it completely and cried. I NEVER watch videos longer than a couple minutes unless they are awesome.

    /stalkery blabbing

  • I know we will watch our video.  I have a horrible memory (so sad) and my FI videotapes our vacations and makes DVDs for us.  We watch them once in a while, not often, but when we do, it totally brings back all the memories of the trip and makes me so happy!  So I think our wedding video will do that times 100.  Plus, the day goes by SO fast, I want to be able to relive it a little bit.  And while I know we probably won't watch it much in the next few years, I figure that in like 10 years we will really cherish being able to hear our MOH/BMs toasts, see the ceremony, see relatives and friends who may no longer be with us.  And of course, to show our kids someday.

    To me, the video is as essential as the photography.  To hear the music again, hear the laughter and see our friends dance, to see how happy FI and I are to be marrying each other, hear the words we say to each other.  Video captures real life (photography is silent).  That is all priceless to me.
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