Wedding Etiquette Forum

Wedding Ceremony via Web

My fiance and I decided to have an intimate cermony with immediate family only. Our guest list is 18 total. It is a destination wedding and we will be streaming our ceremony via the world wide web. We would like to announce our wedding day and invite our extended family and friends to view via internet. What is the etiquite or protocol in sending out announcements/ invites to watch via the internet?? Any and all suggestion would be a great help!! 

Thak you & best regards!

Re: Wedding Ceremony via Web

  • Thank you. I agree. Next issue is, my soon to be mother in-law would like everyone to receive an announcement of our wedding. What is the protocol in sending an announcement after the fact? 

    Thank you again!
  • A knottie did this a few years ago and just had very close friends watch on Skype.  She did havee about 100 guests actually present at the wedding.  The Skype was for family located very far away.
  • Wedding announcements may be sent any time after the wedding,, never before.
  • The ceremony is in Nevada. But over 200 "would be" guests would be coming from Michigan. Thank you for your feedback! 
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