How are you today? I feel like we've never really chatted. Let's chat. How old are you? Tell me all about LA. I want to go there so bad. I think that a vacation there would be an amazing time. When's a good time to go? Is January a decent time? If I were to go, what is one dish and one restaurant I have to go to no matter what. What do you do for work there? How often do you drink alcohol? Do you get drunk often? (i do - these days) I have been drinking far too much this summer. Do you drink at home mostly or at pubs and stuff with friends? Are you a good cook? What's your favorite thing to cook? How long have you and your FI been together? When's the wedding? Soon right? What's your favorite thing to shop for? Do you ever hang out on the knot at night time? What are some other ways you burn time on the interwebz? Pets? Siblings? Do you like pizza? I like pizza. What's your favorite pizza toppings? I just made pita pizza the other day. I use pita instead of dough for the crust. Perfect individual size... I put turkey sausage, mushrooms, olives and onion on it. It was perfect. What was the last piece of mail you got (besides bills)? H has a friend in Europe and we just got two post cards yesterday. Prague and Vienna. We've gotten up to 12 now I think. I love post cards. I just found out that there are lots of snakes in Europe. ::shudder:: I can only imagine the snakes you have in LA. When was the last time you saw one? Is it true that snakes will crawl up into vehicle engines and like find their way into your AC vents? ::shudder:: What's for lunch today? I have some casserole thing I made yesterday. So good. I am loving that site danieliza recommended. I wasted a lot of time on it yesterday. A LOT of time. Best franchise fast food? Best franchise sit down dinner? What does your FI do for work? Are you both FROM Baton Rouge? How did you meet? Farthest from home you've been? You guys taking a honeymoon?
You have 30 minutes.
"It's shart week." -georgiabride
"This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
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