Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good morning!

Hello sunshines! Happy Wednesday! 

Re: Good morning!

  • Well good morning there!  I ate an entire squash last night and it was so good, and this morning I'm mad at myself for not saving some for today.  I love this time of year when everyone starts bringing in their veggies to share because they planted too many. 
  • Hi Stacks! What kind of squash was it? I like butternut squash and spaghetti squash best. I haven't been eating very much lately- sadly for me all of my stress goes to my stomach.  Oh well.

    Mr. Panda took me on a date last night to see Despicable Me and it was AWESOME!
  • I'm feeling grumbly this morning.  I couldn't fall asleep until almost midnight last night. (I usually go to bed around 9:30 because I'm an old lady inside).  And I have to tag along on a stupid meeting with a couple of the brokers here for no good reason and it's going to be boring.

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    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Um, I have no idea what sort of squash it was.  :)  I'm not garden inclined just yet - I'm saving that energy for when we buy a house. 

    Why is your job so stressful lately?  Is it just uber busy?  Or is it the type of work they're making you do? 

    Date night sounds awesome though.  I couldn't tell you the last time I went to the movie theatre.  Our date nights consist of take out and a movie after J goes to bed.  We actually become rebels and stay up until like 11.  (watch out now)
  • Oooh, TR that stinks. I hate feeling sleepy all day. I hope today goes fast for you!
  • Good morning!  My H and I decided to change our work schedules so today is the first day of coming in at 8:30 instead of 7:30.  So far so good! 

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  • Stacks work just... sucks. There is absolutely no structure to my job and I'm being pulled in at least four different directions at once. I'm also expected to be 100% competent in all four of those directions simultaneously. It doesn't sound that bad when I write it out, but it's just overwhelming. But I had an illuminating conversation with my husband last night that made me feel a lot better. I'm not going to up and quit with no backup, but it's nice to know that if I didn't have income for a while we'd be ok. Poor, but ok. 
  • Good morning!

    Dani, I'm jealous of your later morning.  I wish I could do that!

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  • Dani does that mean an extra hour of sleep for you? I love extra sleep in the morning.
  • Morning!

    Sorry your job sucks Manda.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Good Morning!

    Not much going on here.  aMr's new name is "man of many half jobs" so I spent the day calling tradesmen to see what it will cost to get some things done.   We have thre gorgeous french doors, but they open out onto the veranda, so a screen door would look silly inside the house.  So I priced out retractable screen doors.  At $1000 AUD each... I started calling handymen to see how much it will cost to reverse the dang doors themselves.
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  • Thanks matilda! I'm applying like crazy to new ones, so hopefully this will be over soon. 
  • Manda, yep it sure does!  I'll work 8:30-5 instead of 7:30-4 and get an extra hour of sleep in the mornings.  I can handle that I think!  I hope it will make my H much easier to deal with in the mornings too because he's a big 10 year old baby in the mornings.  ;)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh. Hey. I got my silver badge. Lookit that!  I wonder when that happened?

    aMrs, you want to put screens inside French Doors? How does that work? I'm confuzled. Also, how much do I love that you have a veranda? All I have is a deck that needs serious work.
  • Good morning, everyone! 

    Besides spaghetti squash I haven't eaten any kind of squash since I was 5.  I'm afraid I won't like it.  Apparently I'm a toddler. 

    My Bio Updated 4/6/10
  • My parents have a sliding screen door on their deck with french doors into the house.  It works out just fine for them. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Manda, it doesn't work.  That's why they aren't on there already ;-)

    We're going to have to reverse the doors so they open to the inside, and put the screen door on the outside.
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  • Dani...a sliding screen door...I'm intrigued.  Do their doors open in or out?
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Oh good gracious, aMrs, why didn't I think of that? Yep, that would work. 

    hillary I'll be the last person on Earth to judge you for food finickiness. The list of things I won't eat is embarrassingly long. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dani...a sliding screen door...I'm intrigued.  Do their doors open in or out?
    Posted by aMrsin09[/QUOTE]

    Sorry I think I missed you saying that your doors open out.  Their doors open into the house and the sliding screen door is on the outside, like what you would have if you just had a typical glass sliding door with a sliding screen door.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I love squash.  But only when it's fried up in some butter and covered in salt :)  Mmmmm....
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Hey!  Look!  My internet has stopped being a bastard!  Too bad it wasn't early enough to stop me from falling asleep while I was laying out.  Ooops.

    Manda's coming to Sweden, Manda's coming to Sweeeden!!! YAAAY!
  • Well yeah TR, but what ISN'T good when it's fried and salty?! Mmmmm, salty....

    YAY! Yeah, buying our tickets to Europe last night was a big contributing factor to the improvement of my mood today. 
  • I totally didn't think you were.  Most people are like, "Yeah, we'll come over" and then... nothing.  I hope the weather is good. 
  • Good morning all! I'm so off my game today. I have some sinus crap going on and it's getting to me. Apparently last night, I filled up the coffee machine and set it for this morning and forgot to put the pot back on the burner. So coffee ran everywhere and they had to clean it up before I got here. Oops. I'm just ready to go home and go to bed!
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Ah, see but what you don't know about the Panda family is that we are relentless travelers. Any excuse to go somewhere new and we will seize it. We had been actively looking for our 2011 destination, so it all kind of fell into place. And because we buy the tickets with points instead of cash, it's important to book waaaaay in advance to make sure we get what we want. 
  • So I work with my mom's best friend - she just came into work and said her cousin just left Karachi this morning with a few different stops on his way to America for a family reunion they have planned this weekend.  They aren't sure if it's the same plane that just crashed leaving Karachi Pakistan this morning.  She's pretty much (calmly) freaking out.  Of course if it isn't them, they're in the air somewhere and can't get ahold of them.  So they have to just sit and wait until they answer their emails/vm's and let everyone know it wasn't their plane that crashed.  OY. 
  • Oh man LVB that would have ruined my day! 1) You wake up to a mess and 2) you wake up to NO COFFEE! Unacceptable. Although I did something similar the other day- I set the coffee maker up to go off automatically but didn't put any water in. All I got in the morning was really hot grounds. 
  • Oh Stacks. I'll keep that family in my thoughts! Please update us on that situation, because I will worry now. No really, I'm a major worrier. 
  • I get to work an hour early and I'm still late to the good morning thread.  HORSESHIT! 

    What's up bitches?  I feel great... I've been waking up an hour earlier because of my new commute and it's been killing me.  But, last night I went to bed at about 10pm and I feel great today.  So obviously that is my new bedtime now. 

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