Wedding Etiquette Forum

Country Music Lovers

My sister has tickets to a Lady Antebellum and Tim McGraw concert this weekend. Should I go?

I don't typically like country music, but I didn't know if they were like, Taylor Swift country that was kind of popish/country or if they're full out country.

Re: Country Music Lovers

  • You should go.  They're both great and definitely "cross-over" type music.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Lady Antebellum gets played on our country station here and the new pop/current hits station. I think you'll like them even if you don't like country. Tim McGraw is very country, but I still think it'd be cool to see him in concert. I would go. It sounds like a good time.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • GO. I have always wanted to see Tim McGraw!
  • Plus Tim McGraw is very sexy in his jeans and cowboy hat.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes.  Lady Antebellum is awesome.  My FI really likes them and he's not a country music fan at all.  Tim McGraw is definitely more country, but I'd go just to see Lady A.
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  • Lady A is what they call "new country", which is the rock/country mix.  Links:

    Tim McGraw is kind of old school, but has some good songs that aren't too "twangy" if you aren't into that kind of thing.  Links:


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  • OMG. Yes, go.
    I LOVE Lady A. They're so fantastically awesome.
    And Tim McGraw - no brainer.
  • Ohhh I do know the "Need you now" song! I actually kind of like it.

    I should go. It'd be fun to get a night out!

    Thanks for the advice! :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:bb2d76cb-dd34-42e9-899d-36cc475b082cPost:0cc4bf64-3760-457d-8154-536d591d7682">Re: Country Music Lovers</a>:
    [QUOTE]Plus Tim McGraw is very sexy in his jeans and cowboy hat.
    Posted by danieliza1127[/QUOTE]


    Now I have to google for the hottest possible pic I can find of that man. bbiaf....
  • yes. go. they're excellent.
  • Yep, both are awesome. I mean, Tim McGraw just to look at Tim McGraw, really.

    And Lady Antebellum surprised me when I saw them with Keith Urban.  I'd barely heard their music before that and now I'm a huge fan.

    I'd also go to see Keith Urban just because he's hot, but he can sing too so it's all good.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Go.  My Brother saw that show recently, and really enjoyed it.
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  • Just called my sister!

    It's COUNTRYFEST. Holy cow, this will be a whole new world for me, musically. I think it'll be fun though!
  • Do you have seats on the grass or bleachers?  I went a few years ago to see Brad Paisley (who is AWESOME in concert), and I liked sitting in the seats better than the grass.

    It will be a bit different, especially if they say something about all of the rednecks in the audience.  Rednecks in New England? Apparently there are such things!  Personally, I love country music, but I'm not a redneck!

    Anyway, go, you will definitely enjoy it!  Lady Antebellum is a great "cross-over" group as Dani said.  And I'm sure Tim McGraw gives a great show regardless!!
  • Definitely GO!  I love going to country music concerts - they're so much fun no matter who is singing, much less when two great artist are going to be there. 
  • Ooooo kate you should get yourself a cowgirl hat for the concert and have some fun with this! :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Country Music Lovers</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ooooo kate you should get yourself a cowgirl hat for the concert and have some fun with this! :)
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    My sister told me they were on sale for $15 at American Eagle. I'm SO there! :)

    I'll totally have to go all out for this and be as hokey as possible. GAH. Awesome! I wish I still had my cowboy boots :(
  • edited July 2010
    if you're going to get a cowgirl hat, don't go to AE. go to Cavendar's or Baskin's. you can find a hat there for <$30. /Texan font with the hokey accent.

    totes jealous btw.

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