Wedding Etiquette Forum

How early is to early to send invites?

FI & I did not send 'save the dates' out because until two week ago we were still not 100% sure of our wedding plans. We have now finalized, it is June 4th.

Because we didn't send the save the dates, I want to send invitations earlier than the normal 6-8 weeks. I'm thinking of having them out by March 1st.

Guests won't have to RSVP until closer to the date, but I just want them to have the invites so they know to not make plans that day. Is this still to early to send them?

Re: How early is to early to send invites?

  • Sarah- Are the majority of guests local or OOT?

    I wouldn't worry about not sending save the dates, not needed.  I agree with PP that 8-10 wks should be the max, but if your guests are OOT I think its ok to stretch it, like for a DW.  But I would stick with what the other ladies said.
  • We sent ours out 3 months in advance---but for specific reasons. If we had done 2 months, we would have been smack dab in the middle of holiday (christmas and newyears) mail....we didn't want to risk our invites getting lost. Our options were to send early, or send late---and since we are having a DW, we chose early.

    That being said, I would have normally followed the 2 month rule.
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  • Like AC said, I would just call or email people. Or spread the date by word of mouth. People will have it on their radar that way.
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  • I would go the email route or you could still technically get a save the date out.  If you sent them out this month it would be a month and 1/2 before the invites get sent out.

    I think people will forget to RSVP if you send it out too early.
  • Thanks for the input everyone. We do have some OOT guests, maybe 20 all together. I've already spoken to most of them about it (most are college freinds I still speak to regularly, so they know when it is just from conversations we've had). Other than the OOT guests, I was nervous because it's right at the beginning of summer & was thinking that people might be making plans for vacations. It sounds like we should be fine w/ 8 weeks though. Thanks again! :)
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