Okay, So... backstory: we are having a destination wedding, where only our immediate family will be joining us in the Caribbean. About a month after we get back, we are having a reception aka "Wedding Celebration" (since I have been told it's not etiqeuette-ly appropriate to call a reception lol) back home about a month later where we will invite remaining friends and family.
I talking to my mom about the reception and I was talking about my grand entrance where she interrupted me right when I began with "uhm, no. You aren't having a normal wedding, Elizabeth. Your guests didn't get to see you two get married so you and Cye need to be here as your guests arrive to greet them. You don't have a wedding entrance" I didn't say anything b/c I had never thought about it... but... Is that true? Should we be there to greet our guests as they arrive? Would it be bad etiquette to show up late? That's something I was looking forward to doing is walking in with my hubby with everybody clapping... just b/c... it's exciting. lol.
So, I guess I am just looking for opinions. My mom is paying for the food at the reception, which is a huge chunk of the cost, so I feel obligated to please her, but I feel like this might be something I wanna fight(not literally) for. And let's say we DO show up late. How late is it appropriate to show up? I was thinking 15 or 20 minutes, eventhough maybe not all guests would be there?. Our event is only 5 hours, so maybe that's why she thinks we should just be there? But I always thought that when the bride and grrom entered it was a good 'start' to the party?