1.) In the Earth's southern hemisphere, what season begins in March?
2.) The number 222, written in base three number system, would be equal to what number in base 10?
3) What do the business symbols TM, SM and R mean?
4) A gold ring that is 50% solid gold and 50% other metals will be rated how many carats?
5) On average, how many eggs can a hen lay in one year?
6) Which U.S. city has these three nicknames: air crossroads of the world, Chicago of the north, largest city in the largest state?
7) Can you name two animated Disney films, in one of which the title animal's father dies (1994), the other the title animal's mother dies (1942)?
8) During the 1980's three Oscar-winning films contained the name of a person in the title. Name these films.
9) Which British author created a world of elves, orcs, ents, and of course hobbits, and what is the title of his famous trilogy?
10) This Steubenville, Ohio high school dropout became a boxer, stole hubcaps, bootlegged whiskey and worked in a steel mill. He went on to become a world famous actor and singer, and died in 1995. Who was he?