Wedding Etiquette Forum

My head is about to explode

Woman calls down to me and calmly explains about a feud she and her husband are having, he's threatening her and threatening divorce, and she is scared and she is taking her daughter and leaving the hotel and wants me to come and walk her down in case her husband acts irrationally. Totally confused as to what to do, I call my boss who says call the cops.

Woman calls again, says everything is fine, they are going to bed, maybe everyone will calm down. So I don't call the cops, call my boss and let her know the update.

HUSBAND comes down, explains his wife is planning on divorcing him and is making it seem like HE is the bad guy, and that it's his wife and her family that actually have all the issues, including jail time for child molestation and prostitution.

1. Why do people let perfect strangers in on their drama?


c. I am still debating calling the cops.

Ok, thanks for letting me vent. This is making my head hurt and it makes me nervous because they don't live far away from here and I don't want to get subpoenaed into a custody battle, if it comes to that.

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