Wedding Etiquette Forum

Simple things.

Tell me about simple things that make you happy. 

I just got a Christmas card from an old friend I haven't seen in awhile.  It made my day.

Re: Simple things.

  • The song "All I want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey.  Sing it pandora radio!
    my read shelf:
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  • My best friend every year sends me a birthday card with a lovely message written in. I look forward to it every year. It's just so nice and no one does that anymore.
  • When my cats are sweet. It sounds cheesy, but when they get all cute an snuggly on me I can't help myself- I just want to curl up with them.
  • Pumpkin pie, will be out of the oven in 15 min.  Yum.
    Sitting with the cat being all purry and snuggly.
    Reading a book.
    My MOH telling me I can have wedding talk diarrhea to her anytime I want, even though I said I never would cause I don't want to be that bride.  She's so sweet.
    • kittens sleeping under the christmas tree
    • hot cocoa made on the stove
    • hugs
    • huge snowflakes that fall slowly to the ground

  • Hearing a Beatles song on the radio
  • I saw there is snow in the forecast for Saturday and I'm so excited that I could wet my pants.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Oh yes I have to add: sitting in the living room with all the lights out except for the fireplace and the Christmas tree and drinking hot chocolate. That's one of the best feelings ever.
  • Going home to my dogs.
  • ggmaeggmae member
    edited December 2009
    My cats. All they have to do is look/act cute and they make my day.


    Peppermint Mocha Lattes.


    The smell of wood burning.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Simple things.</a>:
    [QUOTE]The song "All I want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey. 
    Posted by Night_Sprite[/QUOTE]

    I just broke out in song.  Merci.
  • Ditto on snuggly kittens.
    Phone calls with my little brother who I don't talk to nearly enough.
    Velour sweatpants.
  • Seeing the trees in all their fall glory on the way home.

    Seeing all the Christmas decorations going up in my neighborhood. Even the tacky ones make me happy.

    Watching my husband sleep.

    Watching my kitties sleep.

    The anticipation right before one of my favorite shows comes on.

    Getting cards in the mail. Christmas cards will start coming soon!!
  • I agree with the cuddly kitties! 

    And Salt, it's snowing here.  Come visit :)
  • -Making homemade soup and the smell of bay leaves
    -Christmas lights
    -Grandma's thick homemade wool socks
  • Salt - I just found out that there will be NO snow here Saturday. They were calling for it a few days ago, but not anymore. :(
  • I love having the house decorated for xmas right now, it's so homey. 

    But coming home to my dog everyday is the absolute best...he is so incredibly excited to see me and wags his little nub and goes crazy. 
  • New shoes.

    Birthday cards.

    Turtles (the candy kind).

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Simple things.</a>:
    [QUOTE]New shoes. Birthday cards. Turtles (the candy kind). Hugs.
    Posted by bbyckes[/QUOTE]

    Aww, every single year for as long as I can remember, my mom has always wrapped a box of Turtles, it's our first gift under the tree.  She still wraps them and gives them to us every year, heh.
  • My little sister texting me from Poland: "I love you, have the best day"... or my FI AIMing me during a busy day: "I know you are busy, but I just wanted to squeeze a quick 'I love you' in your day"... or when our dog Ozzy comes over to me when I work on my laptop and presses his paw on the Power button to get my attention and take him out... his dog-face is so sweet then. I don't know how he learned it but he did it three times already, he is so cute. I love him :)

    This post makes me happy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Simple things.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hearing a Beatles song on the radio
    Posted by arbolita[/QUOTE]

    This, so much. Even though I have all their albums/singles at my disposal, I get so excited if a random Beatles song comes on the radio. It's an awesome surprise, and I will always listen to the whole thing.

    Ditto cuddly kitties and handwritten cards. I love lying on my stomach under the Christmas tree lights and writing all my holiday cards. With holiday music on, of course.

    I also got a really long email from an old HS friend today, which was great. I love long emails that aren't forwards or crazy drama vents.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • Nothing is making me happy right now since I read "All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey". Now I have that horrid song in my head. Thanks.
  • Beatles, isn't it always better to hear a song on the radio than on a CD?  I love the pleasant surprise when it comes on!
  • Snuggling with Ben in the mornings.
    The look on his face when I surprise him with something cool.
    When FI brings me treats home from work.
    Some of you bitches.
    The smell of Christmas Trees.
  • Getting to go home to DH
    My kitty cats
    My dog (when he's sleeping beside me)
  • Salt's post just made me laugh, so yeah, Salt.

    My kitties have been super snuggly lately. I just love it. Gizmo sleeps on my head almost every night and it's funny and cute.

    I reconnected with an old friend on Facebook the day before Thanksgiving, and it turned out she was coming in town for the holiday. So we got to have breakfast that Saturday and catch up, and it was like we'd seen each other last week.


    Baseball games with my dad. And our annual fruitcake making day.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Simple things.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Beatles, isn't it always better to hear a song on the radio than on a CD?  I love the pleasant surprise when it comes on!
    Posted by JK10910[/QUOTE]

    Yes, and it could be any song that you like, really. Especially if you're in the middle of a long drive or frustrating commute. Sometimes I'll finally get an awesome song on the radio as I reach my destination, so I'll sit in the parking lot until it's over. And I always put my iPod on shuffle, so I can have little surprises every time a song comes on.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Simple things.</a>:
    [QUOTE] My kitties have been super snuggly lately. I just love it. Gizmo sleeps on my head almost every night and it's funny and cute.
    Posted by Pirata13[/QUOTE]

    I used to have a cat that slept on my head :)  Minka has been cold at night so she's been sleeping under the blanket stretched out against me.
  • I saw there is snow in the forecast for Saturday and I'm so excited that I could wet my pants.

    Don't eat the yellow snow, Salt!
    I love finishing a project at home and then walking by that room and seeing it complete.
    I love when C slips into my bed, thinking I'm asleep and cuddles for the rest of the night.
    I love when M tells me something I never would have told my mom in a million years.
  • When DH cuddles up against me while he's asleep (I always sleep on my right side, so he wraps his arm around my middle). He doesn't even know he does it. He's like a body-length heating pad.

    Napping on a Saturday afternoon.

    Christmas lights reflecting off the snow.

    Answering the phone, and hearing Andy's voice, asking me a question (although having him invite me to Christmas broke my heart).

    Smelling bread baking, then eating it.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
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