Wedding Etiquette Forum

The Friday Night Club

Anyone around?

H and I are going to enjoy a nice weekend in town finally. We traveled almost every weekend from the end of September to last week. It's nice to just not do anything.

Re: The Friday Night Club

  • I'm here.  I had a sh*tty day at work and have a headache.  I picked up a calzone and wings on my way home from work  cause i was just over it.  But I restrained myself and ate 4 wings and 1/3 of the calzone and put the rest away as leftovers for the weekend.

  • I'm sorry you had a bad day at work :( Those are the worst, especially on Fridays.
  • Hello! I just ate dinner. I made delicious steaks but I couldn't eat all of mine. Probably because H brought me a churro when he came home from work. I guess I spoiled my dinner Embarassed
  • And Loopy, that sucks. I had a headache all day too. And a sore throat. I think I'm getting sick and it's freaking me out. I very rarely get sick but the last time was last January. I had a fever and it completely knocked me on my ass.
  • Actually one thing was kind of funny... I wore a scarf around my neck yesterday to work.  It was an off white cashmere (probably fake cashmere but still really soft) and I just wrapped it once and let both ends hang down in front.  So I came in today to an e-mail from the second shift supervisor re: my scarf and how it is a safety hazard and violates the dress code of "no loose or flowing materials" to be worn on the shop floor.  Which if I was a machinist or a mechanical engineer who would be climbing in machines or getting up close and personal with them maybe... but I'm not either so eff off.  One of the 2nd shift HOURLY EMPLOYEES brought it up to him.  Which means they probably talked about it it amongst themselves for 20 minutes, then one of them spent 20 minutes discussing it with the supervisor, then he spent 20 minutes typing me an e-mail.  Go back to work!!!  Do things that will ACTUALLY result in product SHIPPING OUT OF THIS BUILDING!!!
  • WTF? Is there climate control on the floor? If there isn't I'm extra pissed off for you.
  • Hello ladies!

    I'm working on my brooch bouquet right now.

    The youth improv troup I work with had auditions tonight and they went great.  Last time the kids were a bunch of territorial cats, so it was nice that they didn't scratch this time.
  • That is redic Loopy.

    I heated up some HoneyBaked Ham that we had left over from Christmas and made homemade mashed potatoes and LVB's MIL's green bean recipe. It was soooooooo good.

    Of course I cut my finger on the slicer, but it was a small price to pay for mashed potatoes that are on the verge of orgasmic.
  • That was just hte the tip of the iceberg for the day too.  First e-mail I opened.  I should have gone home then LOL :).  My boss and I had a nice chuckle about it towards the end of the day.

    Anna - steak sounds SO yummy.  I hope H and I can go out for a good steak dinner when he's home... I shoujld see him next Friday until... not sure how long he'll have off yet.  Probably a week or 10 days.  If I O before Friday I'll be so pissed... 
  • Hello. Were at the Sabres/hurricanes game. I'm going for the Sabres and Erik's going for the hurricanes. I'm also on my second $8 beer kui.
  • Awesome mashed potato recipe?  I want.

    The shop floor is heated and air conditioned.  Actually, my office is air conditioned, apparently all year round and the vent blows cold air on my head every 15 minutes when I'm in there.  I guess cause it's an interior office so it only gets hot and not cold so the A/C runs all year round?  

    Our efficiency runs somewhere around 40%.  We could probably retire about 9 of our 10 most senior employees and get exactly the same amount of production work done without skipping a beat.
  • Well Loopy, I just stalked your chart and it looks like you should be fine Wink
  • Anna - I hope you don't get sick.  Being sick is never fun.  And fever's make me want to curl up in a ball and not move.
  • Hi. I just got home from climbing hills with my trainer. Now I'm freezing. I think we're going out tonight because I really don't want to cook. Loopy, that's stupid. What a waste of time.
  • Heyo.  Just got home from Chili's :)  Now I'm ready for bed.
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  • Thanks Anna...
  • Ok, I'm going to go watch movies now. Have a good night everyone!
  • Ha!  In lieu of our usual date night, I made Matt stay home so that I could finish Hunger Games #2.  Now that I'm done, I sent him out to pick up some Chinese.  Maybe I should cuddle with him later to thank him.
  • This is the recipe I got from LVB:

    Poor H is sick again. Or still sick, shal I say. He got sick two weeks ago and had a lingering cough and now the sniffles and sneezes are back in full force. Poor guy.
  • I'm sure he'll appreciate that MP :)>
  • We went to Chili's too. It was a hard day at work. I'm glad it was Friday though. FI and I are watching tv together now and having a chill night.
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  • That sucks, Birdie.  He needs to go to the doctor!
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  • Loopy, not to be a stick in the mud, but were you actually near machinery (where this could be a potential hazard) when you were wearing the scarf?

    We have OSHA training every 3 months, and our safety guy drills so many hazards into our heads.

    I understand wasting people's time, but they could just really be looking out for you.  (Or complaining)
  • Stop being sick everyone!  It's just yucky.  I'm sure the fluctuating temperatures aren't helping anyone.

    Fezz, I can't believe you're almost half baked.  Do you have a bump?

    Loopy, yeah, I'm sure he'll appreciate it, too.  Nudge nudge wink wink
  • I've been pretty productive so far tonight. Caught up on my class, prepped for next week's lessons/discussions, made a new blog post, did book marketing stuff, cleaned some. Made up a story about Sir Whisky for FB because clearly I have too much time on my hands. Now I'm sleepy.

    I think I will lure H to bed soon to watch some BBT.
  • I know right!  I have a tiny bump as of recently, I still don't think most random people would know I'm pregnant though. 
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  • MattsPenguinMattsPenguin member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    Pretty soon you'll be in the awkward "Is Fezz preggers or did she just eat too much Christmas candy?" phase.

    ETA:  I'm worried that's people think with my extra lbs after the wedding.  It all goes straight to the belly.
  • Exactly!  Oh well, no rush. :)
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  • I was starting to worry about his lingering cough and then suddenly the snots came back. I was hoping we could both just kick it because I don't want to take antibiotics if we don't need to.
  • Yeah, Bird.  I know what you mean.  I hope it goes away on it's own.  Lots of sleep.
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