My MOH and BM are throwing a bridal shower for me and inviting my side of the guest list. My future mother-in-law and sister-in-law are planning on throwing a shower and inviting their side of the family. However, my FI's parents are divorced. He thinks I should ask his mom and sister to invite his step-mom and step-sisters to the shower for his side of the family but I don't feel comfortable doing that. They don't hate each other but they don't really talk.
I thought my MOH could invite them to the shower for my side of the guest list since it would only be 4 additional people but FI says they would hardly know anyone and would not feel comfortable. I'm not really sure that they would be comfortable at the shower his mom and sister are throwing and I'm not sure his mom and sister would be comfortable inviting them.
Any thoughts on what I should do?