I've had it up to here with MIL. I've come to discover how passive aggressive she is. Today is just one example of it. I am looking for jobs every. single. day. I (like most unemployed peopl) are not having the best of luck. She keeps sending me all these things like...have you heard of Monster. com? Are you sure you're looking in the right places? And she keeps sending me job links. The latest? An $8.00 an hour mail room clerk. Requirements? Some high school. I'm sorry, but I cannot support a family of 2 on $8.00 an hour.
She has been bugging the shiit out of me about goign ot the new city with me to 'help' me look for a job. Well, I DON'T want to go with her, one because she's a negative Nancy and I can't be alone with her for 2 days and two because she would be all 'This is where you need to go/see/do...but of course it's your decision, do what you want....but this is what you NEED to do. My mom offered quite awhile ago to go with me and i've been really looking forward to spending 2 days alone without H or my dad. She's been super busy and just hasn't had a chance to go yet. Well, this morning, she sent my mom a FB message saying, I know you said you would go with her, but you haven't yet, so I'll be more than happy to go". Maybe it's just me, but to me, that sounds like she's trying to be a bit of a bully and being snarky with my mom. I also feel like she's gone behind my back.
I just really needed to vent because H wont be home until late tonight and my mom is hosting a party today. And I have no friends here.
I could use some perspective because I know I'm biased and here lately anytime she calls, I get a little eye twitch. Was she even sorta over the line? Considering I've told her time and time again that I'm looking forward to going with my mom?
"In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs