Wedding Etiquette Forum

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y eh!


Re: S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y eh!

  • Nice! I always determine it a good game of bowling if I make above an 80, haha. Although, maybe I'd practice more if I knew the bowling alleys had patron. 
  • YES, the parking is horrendous.  PLUS our TJ's is next to a freakin' Chuckie Cheese. 

    I suck at bowling so badly.  But it's so fun.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I bowl better with some alcohol in my system.  I haven't bowled in North Carolina, but I have bowled in South Carolina, and they were beer only.  In the FL bowing alleys, there's always decent tequila.  :P  Poor H, he didn't like losing to me so many times.
  • I honestly haven't been to a bowling alley since I turned 21 so I have no idea if the ones here serve anything other than beer. Is your H a grumpy loser? I know I can be sometimes.
  • H is a very grumpy loser.  When he can help it, he plays dirty to win.
  • Anyone still here? My SIL stopped by at about 6:00 tonight to visit.  We chatted until about 9:30 when we left to go meet some friends of hers out for drinks.  I had 2 grey goose and cranberries and some very yummy pizza.  
  • edited February 2012
    yesterday me and my fiance spent the whole day together and it was wonderful. it's so easy to forget in all of the wedding mix-ups how the time spent together is the most precious. today I am printing out my invites, and going to send them out! with february being almost over, i'll be at my 3 month mark in March.. eeeeeek!!
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