Wedding Etiquette Forum

destination wedding and registry etiquette

So my fiance and I have decided to have a private wedding with just the 2 of us in Scotland. We plan on having an informal reception when we come back  (probably within the week of us returning) in which we will  provide food and alcohol. We have lived together for 2 years, so we really don't need the typical stuff....sheets, dishes, etc. I did find a honeymoon registry and really that's the only thing I can think of that we would need help with. Is it appropriate to have a registry when we are not having a big wedding or formal (as in everyone is dressed up) reception?

Also, we plan on having the reception in the town we are from (Amarillo)  since 75% of our friends and family live there. So, is it rude to send invitations to our friends here (in Dallas) knowing a lot of them probably won't make the 6 hr trip. I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling not inviting them, nor do I want them to think I'm sending an invitation in hopes I will be getting a gift.
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