Wedding Etiquette Forum

Phone RSVP Wording ideas

I need some help!  my fiance and I decided to go with a toll free number for our I'm trying to figure out what information to put on the recording my guests will hear!  I'm drawing a complete blank on verbiage.  Can anyone help me out with my script?  Please...and thank you! Smile

Re: Phone RSVP Wording ideas

  • I think she is asking what the message should say on the toll free number.

    I would say something along the lines of:

    Thank you for rsvp'ing for Shellyce and Mr Shellyce's wedding.  Please leave your name, whether or not you will be attending, and if you will be selecting the chicken or beef.  Have a great day!
  • It would help if we knew what the options are.  Is it a "press one for attending, two for declining" kind of thing, or do they leave you voice messages with their RSVP?  The scripts would be different depending on what needs to be said.
    I assume you would start out with something like "Hi this is the future Mr. and Mrs. (or Ms.) Schellyce.  Thank you for calling to let us know if you'll be attending our wedding.  We hope to see you there."   What verb would you use instead of RSVP-ing?  That's where I'm a little stuck.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Phone RSVP Wording ideas</a>:
    [QUOTE]What verb would you use instead of RSVP-ing?  That's where I'm a little stuck.
    Posted by Starqueg[/QUOTE]
    </div><div>I'm a little confused about this whole idea.  If you want them to RSVP via phone, why not give them your phone number and ask them to call it then answer your phone?  An 800# answered by a computer seems strangely impersonal.</div>
  • As a guest, I would be really uncomfortable doing this.  I would probably just find your phone number or email address and do it that way.  Just seems really lazy and impersonal to me.
  • Oh, come on guys!  It's a new day.  Welcome to the 21st Century!  I'm sure they put options on the invitation.  This is just a new option.  I think it's perfectly fine for busy brides to have a RSVP "Hotline" Granny may not "get it" but you probably know if she's coming or not anyway.

    Do something fun, if that's your style.  Have your song playing in the background as you and your sweetie alternate cute "lines.  Make it a Star trek theme or  have it be very prim and proper. (Do your best impression of the Queen of England) But, I think it's a fun way for your guests to RSVP and a new and exciting alternative.
    Reminds me of fun answering machine messages in the 80's and 90's.  Go for it!
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