Wedding Etiquette Forum

Anyone up?

Anyone? Anyonw? Bueller?

Talk to me about something... anything?


I am getting married in 8 days and yet Fi has to leave the country for work until Sunday.

I have a really cute, super awesome dog. See sig. He is also laying on me right now.

I'm watching the West Wing, which is the greatest show of all time ever.

Thoughts on the above? Thoughts on anything? 
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Re: Anyone up?

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    I'm taking a break from putting together OOT bags.  4 days to go for me!
    I have an awesome dog too.  She's chewing on her bone and watching me fuss over water bottles and bags of chips.
    I'm watching Top Gear (DVR'd).  I love that show.  I love British TV.
    I still keep on thinking that I would have eloped or had a much smaller wedding if I wasn't marrying FI.  Hm.
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    Hey girl! Sorry I disappeared, I was letting pup out. What kind of puppy (all dogs = puppies) do you have??

    I'm at 9 days and just finished favors tonight so now I'm on the couch watching West Wing dvds.

    I'm not at the eloping point yet, but I AM getting sad that our honeymoon isn't until december. We need the break.
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    I have a schnauzer/Sharpei (or so guesses the vet) mix.  She's a pound puppy, and very much a puppy despite her 5 years. 

    You already finished favors?  Wow, good for you!  I finished mine yesterday.

    I ran out of stuff for the OOT bags (FI started poaching snacks from my supplies while I was at work and he was at our place unpacking), so I'm done until tomorrow, when I can restock.

    We're waiting until 10/25 for our honeymoon.  I wish we'd booked it for right after the wedding right now.  I can't imagine waiting until December.  Where are you going?
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    I'm up! I'm at work.. I'm lucky enough to have about 4 hours of nothing... where I surf the internet and post on Knot boards. :) It will be plenty of time to work in my DIY projects soon. :)
    image ~*~Rowyn at 5 months!~*~ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary PersonalMilestone
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    I'm here again, but I don't think anyone is around- sad face.
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    I'm here - but it's time for me to actually start working again... sorry. :(

    image ~*~Rowyn at 5 months!~*~ Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary PersonalMilestone
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone up?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm here this am, barely moving. Wanting so bad to stay in bed. <strong>Praying today and tomorrow goes by fast.</strong>
    Posted by MissySue20[/QUOTE]

    <div>Me. Too.</div>
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Ditto Missy.

    And it doesn't help that H woke up this morning and just decided that he doesn't feel like going to work today. He called and let them know he's not coming, then went back to bed. I wish I could do that, but I'd probably get canned.
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    I wish I could call in that easily, too. But not so much bc my director doesn't fool around. I feel like I have been run over by a truck bc my back hurts so bad. I think it is a combo of coughing and being so congested (whether changes and all) and sitting in the car for 10 hours.

    I am just glad there are only 2 days left, then it is a long weekend. Whoo! I just need some recouperation time from being gone for 5 days.
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