I'll try to make this a short post, but provide all the relevant details...
This past June my fiance's brother got engaged, we got engaged 2 months later. His brother planned their wedding for September 2012. We wanted a summer wedding and planned our wedding for May 2012.
His family WENT NUTS. They said there was a rule about whoever gets engaged first has to get married first, so we have to push our wedding back to summer 2013 (essentially a 2 year wait) to accomodate his brother. His brother is peeved because he is getting married "to make a profit and having our wedding in the same year will cut his profits by 50%". We thought that was all ludicrous and booked our May wedding anyway.
Since that time (8 months now!), his dad, brother and sister have stopped talking to us, outright ignored us to our face at family functions and have started spreading mean rumours about me to extended family and family friends. My fiance has tried to reason with them, but they would insist the sky is purple before they admit they overreacted or made a mistake. It doesn't even matter that since then 3 cousins also got engaged and one is getting married the weekend before the brother.
I'm so hurt because a week before we got engaged his dad was saying how much he loved me and couldn't wait to include me in the family, and would walk me down the aisle, etc...suddenly I'm this "b*tch that ruined the family" because I didn't give in to some redicuous and arbitrary rule they made up. ANYWAY...so they are all hating me, and my fiance is super hurt and disturbed by their actions.
My question: My attendants are asking me to ok the guest list for the shower....Do I invite his sister, the new sister-in-law, and his dad's wife? They are the basis for the lies, rumour and insanity. I hate drama and this has really ruined the fun in planning my wedding.
I can't stand the idea of being in the same room as them, but also am feeling pressure of "doing what is proper and expected" and inviting them. Do I also invite the aunts and female cousins that are listening to the rumours and spreading the gossip?