Wedding Etiquette Forum

Can you remember...

. . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?
. . . your frequent flyer number?
. . . your first phone number?
. . . your grandparents anniversary?
. . . your first cousin's birthday?
. . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?
. . . your 6th birthday party?
. . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?
. . . your favorite tv show at age 10?
DIY & Planning | Married 

Married: 2010
Mom to J: 2011
Mom to H: 2014

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Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485

Re: Can you remember...

  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?
    I can remember the classes I took AND the teacher's names. But not my locker combo.
    . . . your frequent flyer number?
    Don't have one.
    . . . your first phone number?
    . . . your grandparents anniversary?
    . . . your first cousin's birthday?
    I don't know if I ever knew her birthday.
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?
    My first semester was a 4.0... the classes were easy. Second semester was a 1.0. Ouch. Those classes were probably easy too.
    . . . your 6th birthday party?
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?
    Mrs. Chambers!
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?
    Probably something on Nickelodeon.
  • I remember my locker combo, my first phone number, and my second grade teacher. That's it.

  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? N/A
    . . . your frequent flyer number? N/A
    . . . your first phone number? 716-236-6016
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? November 5
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? 12/16, 02/10, 10/28, 07/04
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? art 8:30-9:30 MWF (that's all I remember for my class schedule) grades I have no idea
    . . . your 6th birthday party? Didn't have one, but I remember all the details of my 5th birthday!
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? n/a
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? i have no idea
  • edited August 2010
    . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?  no.
    . . . your frequent flyer number?  I know it starts with a zero, does that count?
    . . . your first phone number? yes   I use part of it as my PIN, that's how burned into my brain it was. 
    . . . your grandparents anniversary?  No.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday?  No
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?  Grades yes, specific schedule no. 
    . . . your 6th birthday party?  Slumber party.  beauty pageant.  my friend Megan won.  b*tch. 
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?  No
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? I'm going to guess 90210.


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?
    Amazingly, yes. First hour English, second hour American History, third hour pre algebra, fourth hour Louisiana history, fifth hour P.E., sixth hour science.
    . . . your frequent flyer number?
    Not a frequent flyer
    . . . your first phone number?
    Yup. My parents' home phone number has been the same since I was 5. My cell # has only changed once.
    . . . your grandparents anniversary?
    April 23. They skipped their Senior Prom to go get married.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday?
    March 24
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?
    Biology-B; Algebra-C; Intro to creative writing-A; Intro to physical Anthropology-B
    . . . your 6th birthday party?
    Yup. Slumber party. It fell on Friday the 13th. My birthday this year will also be on Friday the 13th. (Friday after next!)
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?
    Mrs. Elkins
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?
    Oddly, SNL. I didn't get half the jokes, but I still found it really really funny. Especially Adam Sandler doing Opera Man.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?  No, I remember I took German as my foreign language - that's about it
    . . . your frequent flyer number? Nope

    . . . your first phone number? Yep - to this day I still give it out as a fake number because it says the line is being checked for trouble.
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? Sure do
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? Ummm, no - but I do have a cousin 3 days older then me, so I always remember hers
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? I remember the grades - D's and F's aren't hard to forget.  Oh and 1 A.  LOL.
    . . . your 6th birthday party?  First time I had a party at the house - it was awesome and I got barbies and my little pony and Mindy Williams asked for her present back because she didn't get to play with it yet.  (I remember it like it was yesterday)

    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?  Mrs Willis (I was taller then her in 2nd grade)

    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?  Full house of course

  • Nope!  None of them except I can guess that my favorite tv show at age 10 might have been The Cosby Show.
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  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?
    Class schedule and teachers, yes. But we didn't have lockers until high school (don't remember any of them)

    . . . your frequent flyer number?
    Don't have one

    . . . your first phone number?
    Yes, it hasn't changed

    . . . your grandparents anniversary?
    No, my mom usually reminds me

    . . . your first cousin's birthday?
    I don't talk to my first cousin, so no.

    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?
    Yes to all. The only professor I can't remember was one with like 15 letters in his last name.

    . . . your 6th birthday party?
    Didn't have one.

    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?

    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?
    Didn't have a favorite, but I loved TMNT, Pink Panther
  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?  Nope.
    . . . your frequent flyer number?  Yes.
    . . . your first phone number?  478-6612
    . . . your grandparents anniversary?  I don't think I ever knew this.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday?  I know all of my first cousins' birthdays
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?  Grades yes, I got straight A's..
    . . . your 6th birthday party?  Nope.
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?  Mrs. Whitehead
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?  Probably something on Nickelodeon.
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  • First phone number, second grade teacher, and favorite shows at 10 are all I remember.
  • Huh, all I know is my favorite tv show, which was Matlock.
  • edited August 2010
    . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? - no, I can't remember any locker combinations. We started switching for all classes (not just math and reading) in 6th grade. I remember I had reading and language arts first. That's all.
    . . . your frequent flyer number? - nope, I look it up each time.
    . . . your first phone number? - Yes, because it was fun to type: 537-9098. I can remember the number to our summer house and my grandma's number too. Because my mother would often have to tell people our number on the phone, and my grandma was the only person I called until I was about 6 or 7.
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? - Yes, June 15.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? - It's sometime in late July. She's my only cousin. She's 43, IIRC.
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? - I can name at least 3 classes I took, but not my grades. I couldn't remember my overall college GPA before I checked my transcripts last year.
    . . . your 6th birthday party? - Yes, it was in our backyard and we had a pinata. My 7th birthday party was at Ground Round and my mom had to miss it because she was in the hospital with pneumonia.
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? - Mrs. Mooar. Pronounced like Moore.
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?- probably Full House.
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  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? 32-28-18 was my locker combination. I had it from grade 4-12. I don't remember my class schedule because we had the same teacher for everything and she changed it daily.
    . . . your frequent flyer number? no
    . . . your first phone number? yes
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? no, I don't know even in what month either set were married in.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? several of them, yes.
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? I know I had a 3.75 average my first year, and the only class I had on Tuesdays and Thursdays was English Literature. BARF.
    . . . your 6th birthday party? No
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Yes, in fact, she still teaches grade 2
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? FULL HOUSE
  • I can't remember what grade I was in, but one year my locker combination was 34-26-34 and I clearly remember my dad making a comment that earned a smack from my mom when I told them what the combo was. I was too young at the time, but now I know why she smacked him. LOL!
  • . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? yeah, i had one it was 1, 21, 1.  super easy.
    . . . your frequent flyer number? NA
    . . . your first phone number? yep.  2080, then when i got my own line it was 5776
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? nope.  no idea.  they're divorced.. and the other grandma was a widow from the time i was 2.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? yeah i know a few cousins' birthdays.
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? well schedule was easy.  6 weeks theory and practicing hair styling and cutting.  4 weeks on the floor doing clients.  2 weeks of colour theory.  2 weeks on the floor doing clients.  1 week perm... and it goes on.  i did really well when i applied myself.  my final i got 88% on. 
    . . . your 6th birthday party? i remember my 6th or 7th.  we had a wiener roast in the backyard. 
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? yup.  mrs. manderson.
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?  i watched beverly hills 90210 with my sister when i was 10. 

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  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?  Band, pre-algebra, rotating arts (Art, Computers, Home Ec, Shop, Music, etc.), Science, Social Studies, Language Arts.  24-10-28
    . . . your frequent flyer number?  my Delta one, yeah. 
    . . . your first phone number?  yup, it's still my parents' phone number and has been for 31 years.
    . . . your grandparents anniversary?  4th of July and December 27.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday?  It's in April.  The 20th, I think. 
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?  College Algebra 8:30 - 9:30 MTuThF - B; Japanese 3 9:30 - 10:30 MWF - A; Intro to Mass Communications 9:30 - 11 TuTh - A; Intro to Poli Sci 11 - 12:30 TuTh - A; Honors World Civ 10:30 - 11:30 MWF - A; Honors Seminar for Freshmen 3:30 - 4:30 M 
    . . . your 6th birthday party?  my best friend came and we had a sleepover.  I think that's it.
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name?  Mrs. Fister
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? If the Cosby show was still on then, that's it.  If not, then Full House. 
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • My first cousin's birthday is on November 7th and my second grade teacher was Mrs. Carr. Those are the only two I can even begin to remember.
    My memory SUCKS.
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  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?  I first had a locker in 7th grade and I think it was 6-14-6.  No idea what my schedule was
    . . . your frequent flyer number?  Nope
    . . . your first phone number? 913-780-6252
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? March 17, 1950
    . . . your first cousin's birthday?  Some of them, yes
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? 
    All my classes were T-Th
    American Heritage at 8 am:  B
    Sociology at 9:30 am:  B+
    Great Books at 1 pm:  B+
    U.S. Constitution:  A
    . . . your 6th birthday party?  It was a barbie themed party/sleepover after a soccer game
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Mrs. Ostick
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? Sabrina the Teenage Witch
    My Bio Updated 4/6/10
  • . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? Uhhh..not even :( I can remember some of 8th grades though
    . . . your frequent flyer number?  Nope
    . . . your first phone number? Nope
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? No
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? Yes, some of them
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?  Partially.
    . . . your 6th birthday party? Yes! Barbie birthday!
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Mrs Biel
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?  Clarissa explains it all amoung others...
  • all I remeber is my first phone #.

  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? hell no
    . . . your frequent flyer number? not a frequent flyer
    . . . your first phone number? yup, remember that one
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? nope, I know, its bad
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? yup
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? yup, I think I had all A's and one B
    . . . your 6th birthday party? I think it was a Chuck E Cheeses
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? yup, Mrs. Dixon
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? probably Full House
  • Oh and I'm pretty sure when I was 10 my favorite show was Thunder Cats. 
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  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? our lockers never had combinations unless we brought our own locks in from home; i remember that we switched classes for Math & Reading as well as exploratory language.
    . . . your frequent flyer number? I have one for Delta & United but need to pull out the cards
    . . . your first phone number? no...we moved twice before I turned 5, but I do remember the phone number of the house I grew up in
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? 6/5/46 & 1/13/49
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? all 12 of them...actually yes I do!  2/13, 4/1, 4/12, 4/15, 6/22, 6/27, 8/26, 8/30, 8/30, 9/14, 10/7, & 12/19
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? Math 110 (A-), English 15 (B), EDTHP 115 (A), PSYCH 2 (C), GER 201 (A)
    . . . your 6th birthday party? didn't have one; my grandma had died 3 weeks prior and my mom was still recovering from surgery
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Mrs. Gonzalez
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? probably Full House

  • . . . your grandparents anniversary? July 18th and June 1st
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? Which one? Jason- Dec 7th, Joey- Dec 8th, Karen- Aug 29th and that's all I can remember
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? Composition 1, Basic Math, Intro to Psych, and Chemistry. All A's. :)

    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Mrs. Hefley
    Amanda and Eric Gettin' married 10/10/10
  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? locker: 4-12-22; class schedule was math, english, reading, PE, social studies, arts rotation, and science.
    . . . your frequent flyer number? don't have one
    . . . your first phone number? the first one I remember is from 3rd grade. We lived in Belgium before that and never got the service turned on. Before that, I was a baby.
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? no :(
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? I remember one cousin's birthday but that's because it's exactly six months after mine.
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? I only took a couple classes and I don't remember at all.
    . . . your 6th birthday party? I got sick :(
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Nope. I didn't like her much, I remember that.
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? Punky Brewster. I wanted to BE her.

  • playtntsbpg30playtntsbpg30 member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited August 2010
     your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)?  language arts, science, reading, history, lunch,  math, study hall (on day 2,4,6) and activity (on day 1) homeroom or music/art on day 3 and 5, depending on the semesters. (we had block scheduling from 6th to 12th, and had like college semesters with certain class's) locker combo was 3-16-22-34, gym locker was 4-7-21-25 (and have the same gym locker for 3 yrs in the middle school) 6th to 8th. I remember every locker combo I ever had. I am just good with numbers.

    . . . your frequent flyer number????

    . . . your first phone number? 274-0780 (was the phone number for 21 years of my life.. and 3151 was the last 4 of my first cell phone number..

    . . . your grandparents anniversary?  July 4, 1966

    . . . your first cousin's birthday? umm I don't talk to any cousins but I know one's birthday is March 2, 1987 just because if i know a birthday one time I will usually always remember.

    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college?English 101 M, W, F 9am, Soci T, Th 7am, Math M. W F 2pm, Intro to computer programming M W F 7pm  Family n Relations T, Th 11:15am--that was my last schedule and I didn't finish so I can't say what my grades were, and I know i was doing well mid way through.. Soon I'll have another schedule that I will be doing great with.

    . . . your 6th birthday party? n/a

    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Miss Koons

    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?  n/a
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  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? no
    . . . your frequent flyer number? don't have one
    . . . your first phone number? yes, 429-7715
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? May 6
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? one is in November and one is in.. May I think
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? Calculus MTTF 8-9, Group Fitness MW 10-11, Christian Religion MWF 12:30-1:30, Physics MWF 2:30-3:30 with lab Tues 2:30-4:30... something like that
    . . . your 6th birthday party? I don't think I had one
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? I know it but cannot spell it
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? probably something like Angry Beavers, defiantly a Nickelodeon show
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • . . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? Yes to 6th grade class schedule; 1st had a locker in 7th grade & only remember the first 2 numbers...
    . . . your frequent flyer number? Don't have one!
    . . . your first phone number? Yes
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? sadly, no & they were all deceasd before I was born.
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? I *think* I know all 8 first cousins' birthdays.
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? No wayyyy.
    . . . your 6th birthday party? I spent it in bed with pneumonia :( January. Party canceled.
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? Ms. Cole!
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10?  I think it was The Brady Bunch until I was about 25 :-/
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  •  . . your sixth grade class schedule & locker combination (or the first grade that you had these)? i was going into the 7th grade the year that the school district decided to move 6th graders to middle school, so it was cool that i wasnt the underclassmen, as for locker combo, no, we had a combo lock on our front porch of our house so that my brothers and i wouldnt have to remember to carry a key, and i still remember that one, and i remember that the first time i had to use it, i didnt know HOW to do combo locks, (where you have to go all the way around for the 2nd number then directly back to the last number, or whatever it is) , and i was locked out one day in the summber before middle school. 
    but i remember where my locker was located at the school, does that count? class schedule, uh idk but i was bummed because my bff and i thought we had the same class because we had the same class at the same time, but found out the first day of school that we didnt pay attention to the fact it was a different teacher :(

    . . . your frequent flyer number? dont have one, but i know my debit card #s
    . . . your first phone number? well my first # when i actually got calls is my parents # and they still have it. its one of 2 numbers i have memorized besides my own(i dont even have my fi's number memorized) i kind of remember 2nd phone number, and i have the same phone number from my first cell phone, 7 years ago.
    . . . your grandparents anniversary? nope, they both passed away long before i was born. my dad's parents' is some time in november?
    . . . your first cousin's birthday? many of them, not all of them. (thank you fb for telling me)
    . . . your class schedule and grades from your first semester in college? yep all a's except 1 b. not posiitive the class schedule though.
    . . . your 6th birthday party? we didnt have a lot of parties when i was little, so i probably didnt have one, probably, my mom just made me whatever i wanted for dinner and had homemade cake. for 7th bday i wanted hamburgers.
    . . . your 2nd grade teacher's name? i had 2, because we switched schools. one was mrs oliver, i dont remember the other.
    . . . your favorite tv show at age 10? we didnt watch much tv growing up.
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