Wedding Etiquette Forum


FH and I were talking last night about tipping the videographer, DJ, photographer and photobooth attendant. We were trying to figure out if we are supposed to tip them the 15-18% that is asked at restaurants. For example, the photobooth is $1020. Are supposed to tip the attendant $150? HELP!! Thanks!
And the whole time, my future husband was in the room...... image image

Re: Tipping

  • Dani just put links to 2 articles about tipping in the sticky note at the top of the page. Hopefully it will answer all your questions.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had a hard time acepting that 15-20% is standard for everyone, as well.  We wound up asking friends and family what they tipped, and then doing what we were most comfortable with. It depends on your contracts- many people/businesses include gratuity in your cost.  In that case, it's acceptable to not tip, or throw him/her a $20 for above and beyond service (when tips are included in your cost, usually the person providing te service, like the limo driver, doesn't see the cash- they get only a portion of it rolled into their check, which also means it becomes taxed.)  It also depends on your area- when the costs are higher, typically the tips should be higher too. The only provider that we were really unsure of was the photographers, because so many websites online said that photographers should be tipped- you are paying for their service of taking pictures, so they don't get tipped for doing what they are supposed to do.  I wasn't comfortable with that though and we gave each one $75.
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