Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Skipping the aisle runner.

I would prefer not to have one for a number of reasons (tripping hazard, risk of tearing, not exactly staying in place, waste of money for one item that will be in use for no more than 30 minutes, etc). I know rationally speaking that this is a non problem, but wedding brain has been kicking in - nobody will care or hardly notice, right? Has anyone attended a wedding where the couple skipped the aisle runner (our ceremony is in a chapel) and actually noticed? Reassure me I can stop thinking about this one, please. :-)
The Bump ate my signature. DD - Apr 2011 DS - expected June 2013

Re: Skipping the aisle runner.

  • I have seen paper runners that have tripped the bridal party, torn, and just generally ended up not being worth it. My church has a beautiful cloth runner that we can use, but otherwise I would have just skipped the runner all together.
  • I didn't want to really use one due to tripping issues (I'm a klutz lol) but once we went in to talk to the church we found out they don't allow runners anyway.
  • your wedding wont be offical unless you have an aisle other words, no don't need one
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes, i have been to many weddings that did not have an aisle runner. Honestly, i would rather be "made fun of" for not having a silly aisle runner than falling on my fave while tripping over the aisle runner. and trust me, i would do that. :)
  • NO! Nobody will notice you didn't have an aisle runner! IMO, aisle runners are a pain in the neck and usually cheap looking. I think it looks much classier without a strip of white plastic or paper on the aisle. Put that money into nice altar flowers and keep the focus up front on the bride and groom, not on the floor.
  • no one will care or hardly notice.  i cant remember how many weddings ive been to that had them or didnt because...well....i hardly notice.  ;)
  • I attended a wedding with an aisle runner (one of the few I've seen) and the bride face planted on her trip up the aisle. I felt horrible for her. She smacked her face, her nose started bleeding, it was awful. IMO, it is preferable not to have one. Our church didn't even allow them.
  • Yeah, this has gone into the "we're gonna skip it" category. I am all about having some pretty arrangements up there where we will be standing instead of spending the money on something to walk on and then be thrown away. In my opinion, I'd rather spend the money towards the flowers. We can bring them with us over to the reception and enjoy them for more than the 30 minutes we will be in the chapel. To me, that is more worth it.
    The Bump ate my signature. DD - Apr 2011 DS - expected June 2013
  • I've NEVER been to a wedding that HAD an aisle runner : )    No one will notice.
  • My church also doesn't allow aisle runners, they just had new marble flooring put in and they don't want people tacking anything to it in any way shape or form lol, but it's something I would have skipped anyway.
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