So, FI's younger sister's having a birthday party tonight. Originally it was at a bar that we hate to go to, but we were going to suck it up and go anyway and stay until one of us old folks got a raging headache from all the noise.
Now she has changed it from a bar with actual tables where we can sit and somewhat socialize (even though it's too loud for a conversation) to see some concert. It's going to be the exact opposite of a place FI and I would enjoy, AND it isn't like we'll get to even talk to her. We don't really want to shell out 20 bucks to be miserable.
But she will take major offense if we do not go.
If she weren't such a drama llama, we would probably say something along the lines of "This isn't really our scene and we can't afford to shell out the money. We'd love to take you to lunch tomorrow instead" But we're both afraid she'll turn it into a major thing involving the entire family (this has happened before over things more minor).