New Jersey

NWR: House Hunting

Hi all!

My FI and I are starting to look for a home. We're predominantly looking in Somerset and Union counties. I was wondering if any of you have a recommendation for a real estate agent who specializes in these areas. Someone who you or someone you know have used that made the house-buying process simple and fun.


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Re: NWR: House Hunting

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    I don't know a realtor there, but if you have time, visit some open houses on Sundays... this is how a lot of realtors find new clients.  You'll have a chance to chat with them and see if you "click"... and if they are knowledgeable of the areas you are looking for.  After you visit 3 or 4, you'll see there is a BIG difference in realtors, and hopefully find one that's right for you. 

    DH and I have been house hunting and find open houses on or (that pulls from the MLS).  Most are posted on Fridays for Sunday.  GL! 
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    Thanks for the advice! :] I've used and for some open houses, but sometiemes find that the dates are outdated. I haven't tried - so def. looking into that. I also didn't know the posting Friday for Sunday - thanks! :]

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    Lisa Prince at Weichert covers through Union county I believe. She was phenomenal!! We were very picky buyers and she was able to hit every item on our checklist and also walk us through every step of the process.
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    We used Vince Valentino from Weichert. He specializes in Somerset county and was VERY helpful and easy to work with. He's a great guy and I would recommend him to anyone.
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