North Carolina

Vendor Search in Wilmington Area

I keep seeing pictures of beach weddings with Bamboo poles and streamers. Does anyone in the Wilmingtion area know of a vendor that can supply these? Would really like to have some at my beach wedding.

Re: Vendor Search in Wilmington Area

  • edited December 2011

    They are helping out with my wedding.  You can also find them on facebook.

    If you talk to Katherine tell her Heather Z from Wilmington sent you.  I'd love for her to know that I truly appreciate all they have done for me (they offered to help me once my dream wedding fell apart....they are amazing!)
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  • jdunn2011jdunn2011 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the info. I'll check them out.  If any one else has vendor references please don't hesitate.  I live in Winston Salem and don't know anybody in that area.
  • pirategal03pirategal03 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Is this something you really need a vendor for?

    I'd think this could be completed with minimal DIY.  Do you have a friend or neighbor with a stand of bamboo on their property?  Do you know anyone with a handsaw?  You can buy spraypaint for cheap.  I bet the ribbons would be the most expensive part.

    If you want crosspoles at the top to make it look more like an arbor that would just take a drill and some nuts/bolts, that could also be spraypainted. 
  • jdunn2011jdunn2011 member
    edited December 2011
    Yes, in that I live in Winston Salem and will be traveling with my family of 4 to my wedding.  We don't have room in our car to carry the poles.
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