The day of our rehearsal dinner myself, my bridesmaids, and the moms will be getting our nails done. I personally plan on showering and everything before going to the salon so that once we're done I just have to put on the dress and go but I know everyone is different. I am trying to figure out what's the best way to schedule the nail appointment so it makes the most sense for the bridal party.
All five of my bridesmaids will be staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Fairfield and the nail salon and rehearsal dinner restaurant are in Montclair so I am wondering if it would be better to schedule the nail appointment closer to the 4:30 dinner time so we can all just go to my mom's house in Montclair and hang out for a little bit before going to the restaurant together OR should I schedule it with a few hours of down time in between so they can go get ready at the hotel before coming back to Montclair? What do you think? Any suggestions would be great!
EDIT: The times I put in the poll are vague. I wanted to change it but clicked the post button too quickly. I am thinking of scheduling the appointment for either 12pm or 2:00pm.
BFP #1 on 10/2/11 - Bambishka's EDD 6/5/12, Blighted Ovum, D&C on 11/9/11
BFP #2 on 2/10/12 - Little Nugget's EDD 10/23/12, Natural Miscarriage on 2/29/12
BFP #3 on 6/7/12 - BB's EDD 2/19/13, arrived 2/18/13!
