New Jersey

anyone not doing a rehearsal?

So our officiant, Ceila Milton, said she suggested that we don't do a rehearsal.  She didn't think it was necessary.  And with the $150 rehearsal fee she charges, I'm thinking she may be right.  

Now, if we do decided to skip the rehearsal, do we still have a rehearsal dinner?  I've never been in a wedding where we didn't have one, and just wanted some opinions as to whether or not we should even do one.  
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Re: anyone not doing a rehearsal?

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    We didn't do a rehearsal.  About 45 mins before the start of the ceremony, our coordinator and priest gathered everyone together (except me) and did a "walk through" of what to do.  We got married at the venue and asked everyone to be there a little early. 

    We did do a "rehearsal dinner", more so we could spend quality time with our close family and BP, and so that they BP spouses/SOs could mingle and meet each other.  It really was a nice kick-off to the wedding. 
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    We're most likely not doing a rehersal since we are also getting married at the venue and I think they'll have a wedding there the friday before.  

    We are still having a RD of sorts, bc I think it's a good way to have everyone hang out and meet, or reacquaint in a causal way prior to the ceremony.  
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    Ditto - no rehearsal, just dinner - there is nothing terribly complicated about our ceremony, and I think the bridesmaids will be able to figure out how to walk down the aisle.  And we too are having everything at the venue so it just seemed like more trouble then it would be worth.  But we are doing immediate family and bridal pary (with their spouses/ dates) for dinner the night before
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    no rehearsal - it's not typical for jewish weddings. we're trying to do something fun the night before - probably a pizza party at a byob place near the venue, just so everyone can kick back and have some fun before the big day.
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    We are not having a rehearsal. I don't think it is necessary unless you are having a complicated religious ceremony. We are having a dinner the night before for our OOT guests and family. We are calling it a Welcome Dinner.
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    We didn't have one.  We just kind of showed everyone where to walk right before we opened the doors for the guests.

    Though I kind of wish I had done a bit more of a rehearsal....our groomsmen BOOKED IT down the aisle.  I probably should have reminded everyone to walk slower.
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