New Jersey


help girls!!! I am in a long distance relationship and by the end of 2012 he will be coming to America for good. if things go as planned we will have a civil wedding when he gets here and a big church weeding in about 2 years when we have the money for it.  The civil ceremony is going just to be my immediate family.  Is it ok if I have a shower even though I will not be having a reception for a long time??please help me I don't no what to doCry

Re: showers

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    Showers are thrown for you in the few months leading up to your wedding.
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    Anyone invited to the shower needs to be invited to the wedding/reception.  Since you're not having one it in not appropriate to have a shower.
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    Well I am having a reception and the ppl invited to the shower will be invited to wedding.  It is more the time lasp between one wedding and another.... Is it ok to do it so much before the BIG weeding?
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    yes my mom and cousin ofered to throw one...but are asking the same question i one knows what too do :(
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