New Jersey

Crystal Plaza Brides?

Hey Girls :)
Just wanted to see if there are any other Crystal Plaza brides here! If so, I was curious to see if any of you have had/ will be having ice louges or the ice bar.
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Re: Crystal Plaza Brides?

  • edited December 2011
    Isn't Crystal Plaza amazing! I cant wait to start talking about all the little extra things i want to have. I would loove to have an ice bar. Still dont know any specifics about it tho. since, like i said, i have tons of time for that.
    Your date is a couple months closer than mine... how has it been working with them for you??
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    The Crystal Plaza def. "had me at hello" lolol They have been amazing to work with! Everytime I call they treat me like Im important, Fred gets right back to me if he is with someone, they are flexible and really cater to whatever you want! In fact whenever I ask them a question about something I may want to do, the response is ALWAYS "whatever you want." My vendors have all told me how great they are to work with. Every vendor Ive met with has told me that they look forward to working CP weddings. As far as our small touches, we havent done any of that stuff yet but we did add in 6 ice sculptures and the ice bar when we booked them. Im just not sure which ones to pick yet. They have ice sculptors on site that will make anything you want! We are def. doing a louge- either the vodka louge or martini louge...or maybe both lol Still figuring things out over here! Lol
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Yay! A CP post! I am getting married there in 6 weeks, I cannot wait for it to get here already. I was actually curious about the ice bar. Does anyone know what that is even called by CP, is it called just the "ice bar" or is it a part of another station at the cocktail hour? We havent picked our menu out yet, but will be soon, I am very excited!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Im so glad to hear nothing but great things so far of Crystal Plaza! And i know exactly what you mean by "it had you at hello." CP was the FIRST place we saw, and about 12 venues later we ended right back where we started- CP.
     Like I menitoned before my date isnt til July '12, so i havent really had to do anything with them yet, but im definitely looking forward to it.
    And bsilver12 wwoooww only a month away, how exciting!!

    Good luck and congrats to both! we share a magnificent venue!! =]
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Bsilver: I think the official name is the "martini ice bar" lol It's, its own "station" and they serve martinis off of it during cocktail hour. They can also engrave your monogram onto it. Fyi they can also uplight it with little led lights. They can actually uplight any of their ice sculptures with them and they have a variety of colors :)
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Hi Crystal Brides! We're getting married there in 4 months--June 10!  We'll be having the martini ice sounds like such a fun station! 
    BabyFruit Ticker image imageimage
  • edited December 2011
    Hey Heather! Congrats!!!!! We got to see the ice bar in person. They were setting up someones cocktail hour who had it during our tour and it looked AWSOME!!!!
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks guys for the congrats! I wish I knew when I was booking it about the ice bar, I would have included it in the contract. As you guys probably know, its expensive to add these additional things!! Great to know its called the Martini ice bar to ask!

    It is so nice to speak to other Crystal Plaza brides! Especially being 6 weeks out, any advice that I should know for the wedding is great! haha. Also, after March 26, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I know what you meant.  It was the last place I looked at, because once I got there I know I had to have it there!! My receptions June 3rd! It feels like its right around the corner! BSilver- best of luck!  You will have an amazing reception there.  I have heard nothing but amazing things about Crystal Plaza.  Ill contact you in April after your honeymoon etc and see how it went.  Im looking for any suggestions of things to ask or add in!! Good luck- Im sure you'll make a beautiful bride!
  • edited December 2011
    BSilver- how was the wedding!! I PMed you before but I haven't heard from you.  I hope it was all you dreamed of.  Please fill me in on the details!!
  • Jessadams1Jessadams1 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm curious as to how the martini ice bar turned out!  I'm having my reception there in two weeks!
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